Digital Electronics is the counterpart of Analog Electronics and it deals with digital circuits that operate using digital or discreate signals. A typical digital circuit can be designed using basic elements like Transistors, Logic Gates, Flip-Flops or even using complex elements like microcontrollers, microprocessors and other computing chips. This section consists of a huge collection of basic digital circuits with schematics and detailed explanation, to help you build digital electronic projects. You can also check out the Embedded Electronics section for advanced digital circuits that are designed using microcontrollers and microprocessors.
An Analog to Digital Converter (ADC) is a type of device which helps us to process the chaotic real-world data in a digital…
An Integrated Circuit or IC is a combination of many small circuits in a small package that together performs a common task.…
As many of us know an Integrated Circuit or IC is a combination of many small circuits in a small package which together…
As many of us know an Integrated Circuit or IC is a combination of many small circuits in a small package which together…
Relay logic basically consists of relays wired up in a particular fashion to perform the desired switching operations. The…
Back in the ENIAC era, computers were more analog in nature and used very few digital ICs. Today an average Joe’s computer…
Frequency to voltage converter converts the frequencies or pulses to the proportional electrical output such as voltage or…
Microchip added new single and dual-core dsPIC33C Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) to its DSC family with more options to…
Toshiba announced the release of the new 31 single power supply one-gate logic device series ‘7UL1G’ and ‘7UL1T’. Both…
One common feature that is used in almost every embedded application is the ADC module (Analog to Digital Converter). These…
When a signal goes through a sudden change from base value to higher value and again comes to base value from higher value…
Resistors are current limiting devices with are used abundantly in electronics circuits and…