Digital Electronics

Digital Electronics is the counterpart of Analog Electronics and it deals with digital circuits that operate using digital or discreate signals. A typical digital circuit can be designed using basic elements like Transistors, Logic Gates, Flip-Flops or even using complex elements like microcontrollers, microprocessors and other computing chips.  This section consists of a huge collection of basic digital circuits with schematics and detailed explanation, to help you build digital electronic projects. You can also check out the Embedded Electronics section for advanced digital circuits that are designed using microcontrollers and microprocessors.

In order to meet the size, power and performance requirements of Industry 4.0 applications, Maxim Integrated introduced an…

Microchip Technology introduced a new family of 16-bit Digital Signal Controllers (DSCs) to facilitate system designers looking…

What is a Counter?

A counter is a device which can count any particular event on the basis of how many times the particular…

What is a Counter?

A counter is a device which can count any particular event on the basis of how many times the particular…

Maxim Integrated introduced a new robust and reliable 5kVRMS four-channel reinforced digital isolator MAX22445 to facilitate…

STMicroelectronics, targeting key medical and industrial applications, introduced a new high-voltage, compact, robust and cost-…

In the previous tutorial of Half Subtractor Circuit, we had seen how computer use single bit binary numbers 0 and 1 for…

The term Multiplexer which is also commonly called as “MUX” or “MPX” refers to selecting one output of the many available…

In previous tutorials, we have seen how computer use binary numbers 0 and 1 and by using an adder circuit computer will add…

Decoder is type of combinational Circuit which decodes a small bit value into large bit value. It is normally used in…

Encoders, as the name suggest, encodes a larger bit of information into a smaller bit value. There are many types of…

Computer uses binary numbers 0 and 1. An adder circuit uses these binary numbers and calculates the addition. A binary adder…