Digital Electronics is the counterpart of Analog Electronics and it deals with digital circuits that operate using digital or discreate signals. A typical digital circuit can be designed using basic elements like Transistors, Logic Gates, Flip-Flops or even using complex elements like microcontrollers, microprocessors and other computing chips. This section consists of a huge collection of basic digital circuits with schematics and detailed explanation, to help you build digital electronic projects. You can also check out the Embedded Electronics section for advanced digital circuits that are designed using microcontrollers and microprocessors.
Everspin Technologies has a rich history that dates back to 1996 when it was part of Motorola’s Magnetoresistive Random…
PRAVESH is an RFID-enabled Smart Entry-Exit System designed to replace manual logs with a seamless digital solution.…
In previous tutorial of half adder circuit construction, we had seen how computer uses single bit binary…
The term digital in electronics represents the data generation, processing or storing in the form of two states. The two states…
IoT and AI has the higher chance to escalate R&D expenses, requires a completely skilled workforce, and includes cross-border regulation.…
In the realm of digital electronics and logic circuits, the NAND gates stands as a…
In the vast world of digital electronics and logic circuits, The XOR gate stands as a…
When soldering, sometimes the need arises to control the temperature of the soldering iron, especially, for micro…
STMicroelectronics has introduced the TDA7901 automotive amplifier which is a single-chip quad-bridge amplifier in…
When we press a pushbutton or toggle switch or a micro switch, two metal parts come into…
Nexperia has developed small and low profile 14, 16, 20, and 24 pin DHXQFN packages to provide a small footprint in standard…
Logic gates are the essential building blocks of digital circuits. These basic logic gates are used in Embedded Systems,…