Arduino Uno Projects

DIY Projects and Tutorials based on Arduino Uno. These projects are explained thoroughly with the help of circuits diagrams, source codes and videos.

We all want our home appliances to be controlled automatically based on some conditions and that's called Home automation.…

We find it difficult to read color codes on resistors to find its resistance. In order to overcome the difficulty of finding…

MPU6050 sensor has many functions over the single chip. It consists a MEMS accelerometer, a MEMS gyro, and temperature sensor.…

Batteries come with a certain voltage limit and if the voltage goes beyond the prescribed limits while charging or discharging…

Right from the time of industrial age, we mankind have been rapidly developing. With every progress we also pollute our…

Programming is always fun and Arduino is a wonderful platform if you are just getting started with Embedded programming. In…

LED Blinking is a very common and almost first program for every embedded learner or beginner. In which we blink an LED with…

Suppose you are sitting in a room and feeling cold and you want your heater to be automatically turned on, and then off after…

Using a thermistor is an easy and cheap way to sense the temperature. And to measure the exact temperature with thermistor, a…

Ultrasonic sensor (HC-SR04) is commonly used to find the distance of an object from one particular point. It has been fairly…

The Iconic name “Nokia 5110” itself should have bought memories of the robust Nokia mobile phone which was very popular during…

Sensors have always been a vital component in any Project. These are the ones which convert the real real-time environmental…