Arduino Uno Projects

DIY Projects and Tutorials based on Arduino Uno. These projects are explained thoroughly with the help of circuits diagrams, source codes and videos.

As Engineers/Developers we always rely upon the data collected to design or improve a system. Recording data and analyzing them…

Arduino is an excellent way to simplify and speed up your microcontroller projects, thanks to its community of developers…

Today we are here with an interesting project in which we will Send Data to the SparkFun server using Arduino and GPRS. This is…

An earthquake is an unpredictable natural disaster that causes damage to lives and property. It happens suddenly and we cannot…

The Arduino Development Platform was originally developed in 2005 as an easy-to-use programmable device for art design projects…

In our previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer, how to build a Arduino GPS…

This is an interesting project in which we explore the power of an Arduino and Android to create a Surveillance device which…

Today we are going to build an Arduino wight machine,  by interfacing Load Cell and HX711 Weight Sensor with Arduino…

In this article, we are going to make a Sun Tracking Solar Panel using Arduino, in which we will use two LDRs (Light-…

Smoke Detectors are very useful in detecting smoke or fire in buildings, and so are the important safety parameters. …

In this article, we are going to Control the Robot Car through the G sensor of our mobile phone and you will be able to move…

In this post we are going to control a Servo Motor using a web browser with the help of Arduino and Wi-Fi module ESP8266. The…