
Sending Sensor Data to Android Phone using Arduino and NRF24L01 over Bluetooth (BLE) Sending Sensor Data to Android Phone using Arduino and NRF24L01 over Bluetooth (BLE)

Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) is a version of Bluetooth and it is present as a smaller, highly optimized version of the classic…

Arduino Sleep Modes and How to use them to Save the Power Arduino Sleep Modes and How to use them to Save the Power

Power consumption is a critical issue for a device running continuously for a long time without being turned off. So to…

Controlling NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and Potentiometer Controlling NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and A4988 Stepper Driver Module

A stepper motor is a type of DC motor that works in discrete steps and used everywhere from a surveillance camera to…

Hardware setup to control a Solenoid Valve with Arduino How to control a Solenoid Valve with Arduino

Solenoids are very commonly used actuators in many process automation systems. There are many types of solenoid, for…

Control NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and DRV8825 Control a NEMA 17 Stepper Motor with Arduino and DRV8825

A stepper motor is a type of DC motor that works in discrete steps and used everywhere from a surveillance camera to…

Measure Sound/Noise Level in dB with Microphone and Arduino Measure Sound/Noise Level in dB with Microphone and Arduino

Noise pollution has really started to gain importance due to high population density. A normal human ear could hear sound…

Arduino Controlled Water Fountain using Sound Sensor Arduino Controlled Musical Fountain using Sound Sensor

There are several water fountains which unconditionally sprinkle water with some interesting lighting effects. So I wandered…

Chirp announces first integration of data-over-sound for Arduino boards Chirp announces first integration of data-over-sound for Arduino boards

Chirp and Arduino announced the first official integration of data-over-sound on Arduino’s range of boards. The…

Interfacing PCF8591 ADC with Arduino Interfacing a PCF8591 ADC/DAC Module with Arduino

Analog to digital conversion is a very important task in embedded electronics, as most of the sensors provide output as…

Charlieplexing Arduino- Controlling 12 LED with 4 GPIO Pins Charlieplexing Arduino - Controlling 12 LEDs with 4 GPIO Pins

Charlieplexing is a technique of controlling many LEDs using a few I/O pins. Charlieplexing is same as multiplexing, but it…