
RFID Based Contactless Temperature Monitoring System using Arduino RFID based Contactless Body Temperature Screening using Arduino and MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor

Since the outbreak of Covid-19, infrared thermometers are being used as a screening tool to scan the people at Airports,…

ATmega644/1284 Based Narrow Board ATmega644/1284 Based Narrow Boards for High Performance Small Footprint Arduino Projects

The ATmega644/1284-based narrow boards are the small development boards and microcontrollers for small footprint Arduino…

Digital Audio Volume Controller using PT2258 IC and Arduino Digital Audio Volume Control Circuit using PT2258 IC and Arduino

A potentiometer is a mechanical device using which one can set the resistance according to the desired value, thus changing the…

pH Meter using Arduino Uno pH Meter using Arduino Uno and LCD Display

pH scale is used to measure the acidity and basicity of a liquid. It can have readings ranging from 1-14 where 1 shows the most…

Arduino to Arduino Bluetooth Communication Arduino to Arduino Bluetooth Communication using Master Slave Configuration

HC-05 Bluetooth Modules are the go-to Bluetooth modules for any Arduino project! It’s easy to hook up and code in the Arduino…

Programmable Gain Amplifier using MOSFET and Transistor Programmable Gain Amplifier using MOSFET and Transistor

In the measurement industry, a very crucial functional block is a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA). If you are an electronic…

AC Current Measurement using Current Transformer and Arduino AC Current Measurement using Current Transformer and Arduino

A current transformer is a type of instrumental transformer specially designed to transform alternating current in its…

Semaphore and Mutex in FreeRTOS with Arduino Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 3- Using Semaphore and Mutex in FreeRTOS with Arduino

In previous tutorials, we have covered the basics of FreeRTOS with Arduino and the Queue kernel object in FreeRTOS Arduino. Now…

Arduino FreeRTOS using Queues Arduino FreeRTOS Tutorial 2- Using Queues in Arduino FreeRTOS

In the previous tutorial, we introduced FreeRTOS in Arduino Uno and created a task for the blinking LED. Now, in this tutorial…

LM35 Not Working - Solution LM35 Temperature Sensor Not Working? - Here is what you should do…

For one of our projects, we tried to Interface LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino but were unable to do so. Yes, what…