
Arduino IoT Cloud - End-to-End IoT Solution Arduino Announces Full Release of its IoT Cloud Platform for Makers and Professionals

Arduino Platform has introduced Arduino IoT Cloud which is an end-to-end solution to help IoT enthusiasts and professionals to…

Interfacing ESP32 SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32 Interfacing SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32

LoRa is a wireless Radio frequency technology introduced by a company called Semtech intended to be used to…

Contactless Smart Thermometer using Arduino Contactless Smart IR Thermometer using Arduino and Android – Save and Share Results with Pictures

The current COVID-19 scenario needs no introduction. While everyone is giving their best to move forward, it is important to…

Google Science Journal Transfers from Google to Arduino Google Science Journal Transfers from Google to Arduino as an Open Source Project

Arduino and Google are excited to announce that the Google Science Journal will be transferring from Google to Arduino…

Arduino Based Digital Thermometer using MAX30205 Human Body Temperature Sensor Arduino Based Digital Thermometer using MAX30205 Human Body Temperature Sensor

For medical or clinical applications, measuring human body temperature is an important parameter to determine the health…

IR Remote Decoder using Arduino IR Remote Decoder using Arduino

IR (Infrared) communication is simple, low-cost, and widely used wireless communication technology. IR light is somewhat…

Speech Recognition using Arduino Speech Recognition using Arduino

Speech recognition technology is very useful in automation which not only gives you hands free control over devices but also…

Cough Detection System using Arduino 33 BLE Sense and Edge Impulse Cough Detection System using Arduino 33 BLE Sense and Edge Impulse

COVID19 is really a historic pandemic affecting the whole world very badly and people are building a lot of new devices to…

Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation Using Arduino Simple Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation using Arduino and HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

It is very exciting to see something floating in the air or free space that is exactly what an anti-gravity project is about.…

Women Safety Device Using Arduino with GPS Tracking & Alerts Women Safety Device with GPS Tracking and Alerts Using Arduino

With all the technology available to us in recent times, it's not hard to build a safety device for women which will not only…