Electronics Projects

Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.

 Due to the increasing population, there is a growing number of vehicles, which has led to a higher…

Nature has always been an incredible source of inspiration for technological advancements and engineers have sought to…

 At CircuitDigest, we love experimenting with the ESP32-CAM projects, and today we're building a license…

In this project, Smart Toll Tax System using RFID and Arduino, we aim to create a contactless, automated toll…

Integrating eye status detection system into an automotive grid involves using eye-tracking data to enhance driver safety and vehicle functionality.…

Unfortunately, my project failed but I can express what I have tried to create. Ezo has many abilities the common one…

At the core of the Smart Home Energy Management System is the Arduino UNO R4, which serves as the brain and central hub…

This project aims to create an adaptive musical instrument that allows physically challenged individuals to express…

This project aims to empower users to lead a healthier and safer lifestyle. 

The desk bot is designed to perform various functions, allowing you to choose between using push buttons or voice…

The "Smart AI-Powered Surveillance Camera" represents a powerful combination of the latest and most advanced AI and the…

The Wearable Communication Assistant is designed as a portable, AI-driven solution that leverages machine learning…