Build a Simple Automatic Plant Watering System using Arduino

Published  January 21, 2025   0
Plant Watering System using Arduino
Plant Watering System using Arduino

Building an automatic plant watering system is becoming increasingly popular among gardening enthusiasts and IoT hobbyists. This DIY automatic plant watering system project helps solve the common problem of forgetting to water plants while away from home. In this complete guide, we'll show you how to make an automatic plant watering system with soil moisture sensing and mobile app control capabilities.

What is an Automatic Plant Watering System?

An Automatic Plant watering system is a device (or setup) that uses sensors to monitor the soil moisture and if the moisture is low it will automatically water the plants, typically using a water pump and a microcontroller. This system saves time, reduces water consumption and also ensures plants get the right amount of water when needed. In this project, we will build such a system, but additionally, we will also include some IoT features to water the plants remotely and get SMS alerts if soil moisture is low. 

How to make an Automatic Plant Watering System?

After brainstorming and surfing the internet, I found that building an automatic plant watering system is easy. So first, I created a checklist to determine what things I needed for this project. Most obviously, I need an electric pump to water the plants, and to control the pump, I need a microcontroller. I decided to pick the Arduino UNO R4 for the microcontroller because it has the most powerful RA4M1 microprocessor from Renesas with the ESP32-S3 from Espressif. With its Wi-Fi capability, we can provide internet access to the microcontroller, which is mandatory to access the microcontroller remotely. This microcontroller also has an inbuilt 12x8 LED matrix, so I was able to display the plant expressions on it. Finally, I need an analog soil moisture sensor so that I can monitor the soil moisture, and based on that, I can switch on/off the water pump remotely through the Blynk app.

Components Required 

Below, is the detailed list of the components that I am going to use in this project:

  • Arduino UNO R4 WIFI - 1 NOS

  • 5V single-channel relay module - 1 NOS

  • 5V water pump - 1NOS

  • FC-28 soil moisture sensor with sensor module - 1 NOS

  • Connecting jumper wires - REQUIRED NOS

  • 12V DC jack power adapter/5V USB-C power adapter

  • Mobile phone & Personal computer with active internet connection

Automatic Plant Watering System Block Diagram

The below block diagram gives us a clear view of how this automatic plant watering system will work. Basically we have the Arduino Uno R4 which will read the soil moisture level using the soil moisture sensor. If the moisture is low it will automatically turn on the water pump via the relay module. 

image showing block diagram of automic plant watering system project

Apart from this, we have also used the Blynk IoT cloud platform, to remotely monitor the soil moisture sensor values and turn on the water pump through our mobile application. So the Arduino Uno R4 sends the soil moisture data to the blynk cloud and if a button is pressed on the blynk mobile app it is sent to the Arduino Uno via the Blynk Cloud Application. 

Automatic Plant Watering System Circuit Diagram

The below circuit diagram uses Arduino UNO R4 WiFi as a main controller, but you can use any other microcontroller by swapping it and making little modifications to the code. Here I decided to use Arduino UNO R4 because it has an in-built LED matrix for mimicking plant facial expressions.

Circuit Diagram of Plant Watering System Using Arduino

We must ensure the components are connected correctly as per the above circuit diagram. Note that we can't directly drive the water pump from the Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi peripheral pins. For that, we need either a motor driver module or a relay module. For simplicity, I opt for a relay module with an external power source.

For the power supply, we can use either an external 12V adapter for powering Arduino through a DC jack or we can also provide a 5V supply through a USB-C port. For the water pump, we can either power it through an external source or we can use a 5 V power pin from Arduino (only while Arduino is powered by USB-C).

Next, we are going to make our hands dirty. Yes, you are going to build an actual hardware setup by using a circuit diagram as a reference. Before that, carefully read the below hardware setup guidelines, especially when choosing a power source for the water pump.

Hardware Setup Guide

In the below image, you can find the actual hardware setup to build an automatic plant watering system using a soil moisture sensor. In this setup, you can find that I am powering the Arduino UNO R4 Wi-Fi through a Type C USB port. So I don't need to provide an external power supply; I am able to provide a power supply to the water pump from the Arduino 5V pin itself.

 Automatic Plant Watering System Hardware Setup

While we power Arduino through a USB port, it bypasses the voltage regulator present on the Arduino Uno R4 Wi-Fi board, so we can consume current up to 2 mA from the 5V pin, which is enough for driving all these things. In the below image, you can see that I am using a 5V water pump motor and a single-channel 5V relay module, which has 3 pins on the input side and 3 pins on the output side. On the input side, it has three pins, namely VCC, GND, and Signal (IN) pin. We can control the relay output using a signal pin by providing either 0V or 5V.

Interfacing relay module with Arduino

On the other hand, it has three output pins, namely Normally Open (NO), Normally Closed (NC), and Common (COM). But here we use only two relay output pins NO and COM pin for controlling the water pump motor. We utilize the Normally Open pin to make the motor off if the Signal pin is low and vice versa.

You can also find the soil moisture sensor with a sensor module, where this module has 4 pins namely VCC, GND, A0 (analog output pin), and D0 (digital output pin). But in our project, we use an Analog pin (A0) for getting the analog sensor value. On the other hand, it has two pins, which are usually used for connecting the sensor. It doesn't have a polarity, so no matter how we connect the sensor, it works fine. If you are completely new to soil moisture sensors you can check out our detailed guilde on how to use soil moisture sensor with Arduino to understand the basics of the sensor and how it works. 

Soil Moisture Sensor Working

The above image shows the working of a soil moisture sensor, notice how the output voltage of the module decreases from 5V to 0V based ont he water content in the soil. Next, we move on to the microcontroller coding part. But before that, let's discuss how to generate the Blynk auth token and Blynk template ID through a PC, which is crucial for the microcontroller to communicate with Blynk Cloud.

Blynk Auth Code and Template ID Generation:

STEP 1: Visit If you don't have a Blynk account, click on signup to create a new account. If you already have an account, then click login and enter your credentials to access the Blynk portal.

Signup Blynk Account on Website

STEP 2: After logging in/signup, you will see this webpage. To create a template and generate the code, you need to be in developer mode. To check whether you are in developer mode or not, click the profile menu as shown in the image. Then make sure the "developer mode" is enabled and reload the webpage.

Logging in to Create Template and CodeEnable Developer Mode

STEP 3: After enabling the developer mode option, select the "Developer zone option" present on the top left corner side, then click on the "new template" present on the top right corner side. It will prompt you to fill in template details. Fill in the details as I mentioned in the image

Fill in Template Details

STEP 4: After filling out the template details, click done. It will move you to the custom template configuration page, where we can customize our template. But our goal is to monitor and control the watering system through the phone; for that, we want to use the "Blynk Mobile app" to customize the template. Anyway, in order to get the template ID and auth code, we need to follow this method on PC, wherein mobile is not possible.

Template ID

Here you can find the template ID and name; just copy and save it. So that we can include it in our microcontroller code. After copying, just click save to save the template.

STEP 5: Still, we need the Blynk auth code, to obtain the auth code, we need to create a device, which is going to utilize this template. For that, we need to click on the "Devices" option, then click on "New Device" to create a new device.

Select New Devices Option

STEP 6: After clicking "New device" it will ask in which way to create a device. Click the option "From template."

Create New Devices From Template

Then it will ask for the device name and which template it is going to use. For the template, use our previously created template, "Remote Watering System." Here I use "Arduino Wifi" as a device name. After filling out the details, click Create.

New Device created for Remote Watering System

STEP 7: After clicking Create, the new device will be created. In the top right corner, you can find the Blynk auth code and the previously noted template details. Just copy and save it for microcontroller coding usage.

Create New Device

That's all, finally, we generated the Blynk auth code and template details. Here you can see our newly created device and template

Generate Code and Template

Template Widget Customization on Blynk Mobile App:

Previously, we discussed how to generate the Blynk auth code and template ID through PC. Now here we are moving on to how to customize the template widget in mobile phones for monitoring the soil moisture level and controlling the water pump.

STEP 1: Install the latest "Blynk IoT" mobile app from your respective mobile app store.

STEP 2: After installing, just open the app. It asks you to log in/sign up. We already created a Blynk account for Auth code and template ID generation. so use that account credential for logging in. 

STEP 3: After logging in, you can find our previously created device on the app home page.

Blynk Mobile App Previously Created Device

STEP 4: To customize our template, we want to ensure that we are in developer mode. To find out, just click the line symbol in the left corner. It will show you many options; on that, click the "My Profile" option. It will show you the "Developer zone" status. If it is off, just turn it on

Customize Template

STEP 5: After that, click on the "spanner symbol" on the top side of the home page. You can find our previously created template. Click our template to customize the widgets. Click on the "+" symbol for importing the required widgets.

Customize The Widgets

STEP 6: Generally, we need only two widgets: a button for controlling the water pump and a Radial gauge for monitoring the soil moisture. After importing the two widgets, we need to place those widgets properly and adjust their size for an enhanced user experience. After widget placement, we want to create virtual pins for those widgets.

To create the virtual pin for the radial gauge, we want to single-tap that widget. Later, it asks us to create a data stream as shown in the below image.

Creating Virtual Pin

STEP 7: After clicking “Choose datastream”, create a virtual data stream pin for the Radial gauge. By clicking the create virtual pin datastream button, enter the virtual PIN. After following the steps as shown in the image, we can create a virtual pin V0 for the Radial gauge.

Select Datastream

While creating a virtual datastream pin, we chose the data type as double to get precise data and also used the 0 to 100 range to display the percentage value.

STEP 8: We created the virtual pin for the radial gauge. Now we want to create a new virtual pin for the Button widget by clicking "create new" and following the steps shown in the below image because the V0 pin is specifically for radial gauge

New Virtual Pin for Button Widget

Here we choose V1 data as an integer, and it has only two states, either 0 or 1. It sends data "1" in on state and "0" in off state.

STEP 9: At last, we created the virtual pin datastream pins for both widgets. Later, we can also customize widgets' visuals, like how they should appear in the phone's dark and light modes. We can also give a Title to each of the widgets

To modify the widgets visually, we need to single-tap the widgets present on our template. After tapping, we can find the "Design" symbol present on the bottom. Click that "Design" symbol, and now you can explore widget visual customization options

Customize the Widget

STEP 10: After widget visual customization, you can see its exact user interface by clicking your device that found on the app's home page

customized Widget

Note: it's not necessary to use the same widgets for your application. However, make sure that the virtual pins mapped in the app template and in the microcontroller code are the same.

Automatic Plant Watering System Arduino Code

First of all, that code allows the microcontroller to access the internet by connecting to the available known Wi-Fi hotspot. After accessing the internet, the controller can access the Blynk cloud by using the Blynk auth token. Here Blynk Cloud acts as a datastreamer between the microcontroller and Blynk app. 

After Blynk authorization, the code makes the microcontroller keep on fetching soil moisture data from the sensor, and based on that data, it drives the onboard LED matrix to bring out different expressions like sad, normal, and happy.

At the same time, it also forwards moisture data to the Blynk cloud and continuously polls for any incoming pump on/off command from the Blynk cloud. Based on the incoming command, it makes the microcontroller turn on/off the water pump.

Here you can find the source code with an explanation for each section The below header files are critical for accessing the Blynk cloud server


These are the necessary header files needed while using predefined functions

#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFiS3.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleWifi.h>
#include "Arduino_LED_Matrix.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>

Here we define the soil moisture sensor pin and relay module signal pin

#define moisture_sensor A0
#define relay 7

These are the necessary objects for blynk and led matrix predefined functions

BlynkTimer timer;
ArduinoLEDMatrix matrix;

Here user wants to enter our Wi-Fi username and password for providing internet access to the microcontroller

char ssid[] = "XXXXXXXXX";                 //WIFI NAME
char pass[] = "XXXXXXXXXXX";          //WIFI PASSWORD

These are important variables for storing the sensor data, EEPROM address, and reading the water pump status from the Blynk cloud

int eeprom_addr = 0;                                  //eeprom address
int sensorValue = 0;                                  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int  pump_status = 0;
int prev_pump_status = 0;
float moist_percent = 0.00;

Used for bringing sad, happy, and normal facial expressions on LED matrix

const uint32_t HAPPY_LED[] = {
const uint32_t NORMAL_LED[] = {
const uint32_t SAD_LED[] = {

This function works inside the blink timer_loop and it is used for continuously reading data from the Blynk cloud and utilizing EEPROM function to make sure the controller retains water pump status even after the power reset

        pump_status = param.asInt();
        prev_pump_status =;

This function is used to send water moist sensor data to Blynk cloud

void sendSensor(){   

This function initializes and sets the microcontroller peripherals, ADC, and LED matrix

void init_renesas_MCU_IO(){
 pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(moisture_sensor, INPUT);
 analogReadResolution(12);                           //change to 12-bit resolution
 matrix.begin();                                                  //initialise the led matrix*/

This function is used for tracking the soil moisture level based on that it will bring back the facial expression on the LED matrix. For eg, it brings a sad face, if the moist percent is low, a Normal face, if the moist percent is normal and a Happy face, if the moist percent is High

void track_soil_moisture(){
  sensorValue = analogRead(moisture_sensor);
  moist_percent = 100 - ((float)sensorValue / 4096.0) * 100;
   if(moist_percent >= 0 && moist_percent < 33.33){
   else if(moist_percent >= 33.33 && moist_percent < 66.66){
   else if(moist_percent >= 66.66 && moist_percent <= 100){

This setup function is considered as the starting point of the program, used for setting up the Blynk server, serial monitor, blynk timer, and using to get the previous water pump status after power reset.

void setup()
   Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, ssid, pass);
   prev_pump_status =;
   pump_status = prev_pump_status;

This loop function keeps on executing after the setup function executes its task

void loop()
if(pump_status == 0){
    Serial.println("Water pump is off");
    digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
  else if(pump_status == 1){
    Serial.println("Water pump is on");

Visualizing the Plant's Facial Expression through Led Matrix:

If you follow the above code explanation, you can understand that we can bring the plant's expression on the LED matrix based on the soil moisture sensor reading. In the below images, you can find expressions like Happy, Normal, and Sad.

As I previously told you, these expressions appear based on the soil moisture level.  Let's take a scenario: if the soil is very wet, it brings out a laughing expression on the LED matrix.

Facial Expressions by Arduino

If the soil has a tiny amount of moisture level, It brings out a Smile expression on the LED matrix, as you can find in the below image.

Smile Expression on The LED Matrix

If the soil is very dry, it brings out a sad expression on the LED matrix, as shown in the below image.

Sad Expression on The LED Matrix

That is it now we have successfully completed our automatic plant watering system mini project. All that is left is to keep it powered on and put the pump inside a water container and see how it works. Lets do exactly that next!

Automatic Plant Watering System Working Video

The below video was taken during the working stage of our project, where we were able to water the plants anytime and anywhere.

In the below image, you can see the customized Blynk app widget on the mobile phone for controlling the water pump motor using the ON-OFF button, and we can also monitor real-time soil moisture levels.

 Monitor Real-Time Soil Moisture Level.

So finally we can make our remote plant watering system, where we can control the water pump and get to know about the plant’s soil from anywhere around the world. What we just needed was a mobile phone with an active internet connection.

Here is the link to our GitHub repo, where you'll find the source code for this project.

Remote Plant Watering System codeRemote Plant Watering System code Zip File

Projects Similar to Automatic Plant Watering System. 

Previously we have built a lot of electronics projects, including a few related to automatic plant watering systems. I have listed all similar projects below, each project is explained in detail with its circuit diagram and code so that you can build it on your own.

Arduino Smart Irrigation System Using ESP32 and Blynk App

Arduino Smart Irrigation System Using ESP32 and Blynk App

In this project, we'll explore an IoT-based irrigation system using the ESP32 board and Blynk app. It's a project based on the Internet of Things (IoT), the smart irrigation system offers numerous possibilities to automate the entire irrigation process. Here, we're creating a plot-based smart irrigation system using the ESP32 Controller, a soil moisture sensor, a water level sensor, a relay module and DHT22 Sensor.

Automatic Irrigation System using an Arduino Uno

Automatic Irrigation System using an Arduino Uno

In this project, we are making an Automatic Irrigation System with an Arduino Uno which will irrigate your plants automatically and keep them healthy even when you are out of the town for weeks or months. In this project, a Moisture sensor will be used to maintain the optimum level of moisture for your plants.

 IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU

IoT based Smart Irrigation System using Soil Moisture Sensor and ESP8266 NodeMCU

This Smart irrigation System has wide scope to automate the complete irrigation system. Here we are building a IoT based Irrigation System using ESP8266 NodeMCU Module and DHT11 Sensor. It will not only automatically irrigate the water based on the moisture level in the soil but also send the Data to ThingSpeak Server to keep track of the land condition. 

IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

IoT based Smart Agriculture Monitoring System

In this project, we are going to build a Smart Farming System using IoT. The objective of this project is to offer assistance to farmers in getting Live Data (Temperature, Humidity, Soil Moisture, Soil Temperature) for efficient environment monitoring which will enable them to increase their overall yield and quality of products.

Complete Project Code

 Automatic plant watering system Arduino Code
More details :…
/* Comment this out to disable prints and save space */
//#define BLYNK_PRINT Serial
/* Fill in information from Blynk Device Info here */
#define BLYNK_TEMPLATE_ID "xxx"
#define BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN "xxxx-lDh"
#include <SPI.h>
#include <WiFiS3.h>
#include <BlynkSimpleWifi.h>
#include "Arduino_LED_Matrix.h"
#include <EEPROM.h>
#define moisture_sensor A0
#define relay 7
BlynkTimer timer;
ArduinoLEDMatrix matrix;  //Create an led matrix object
// Your WiFi credentials.
// Set password to "" for open networks.
char ssid[] = "Semicon Media";
char pass[] = "xxxxx";
int eeprom_addr = 0;  //eeprom address
int sensorValue = 0;  // variable to store the value coming from the sensor
int prev_pump_status = 0;
int pump_status = 0;
float moist_percent = 0.00;
const uint32_t HAPPY_LED[] = {
const uint32_t NORMAL_LED[] = {
const uint32_t SAD_LED[] = {
BLYNK_WRITE(V1){     //read data from Blynk cloud
 pump_status = param.asInt();
 prev_pump_status =;
void sendSensor(){   //send data to Blynk cloud
void init_renesas_MCU_IO(){
 pinMode(relay, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(moisture_sensor, INPUT);
 analogReadResolution(12); //change to 12-bit resolution
 matrix.begin(); //initialise the led matrix*/
void track_soil_moisture(){
 // read the value from the sensor:
  sensorValue = analogRead(moisture_sensor);
  moist_percent = 100 - ((float)sensorValue / 4096.0) * 100;
 if(moist_percent >= 0 && moist_percent < 33.33){
 else if(moist_percent >= 33.33 && moist_percent < 66.66){
 else if(moist_percent >= 66.66 && moist_percent <= 100){
void setup()
 // Debug console
 Blynk.begin(BLYNK_AUTH_TOKEN, ssid, pass);
 prev_pump_status =;
 pump_status = prev_pump_status;
void loop()
 if(pump_status == 0){
   Serial.println("Water pump is off");
   digitalWrite(relay, LOW);
 else if(pump_status == 1){
   Serial.println("Water pump is on");
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