ESP32 is a tiny cheap 8$ module with a dual core 32-bit CPU and built in Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth with sufficient amount of 30 I/O pins for all basic electronics projects. All these features are very easy to use, since it can be programmed directly from the Arduino IDE. Explore below the list of ESP32 projects to start with ESP32 based IoT projects.
All microcontrollers have specific numbers of IO pins but in some applications, like in a 7-Segment Display, we will need more…
The MPU6050 sensor module consists of an accelerometer and gyro on a single chip. It contains analog-16 bits in the digital…
Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) is a technique that varies the width of a pulse while keeping the wave frequency constant. The PWM…
Corona Virus (Covid19) is wreaking havoc in the world. Almost every country is suffering from the Corona Virus. WHO has already…
ESP modules are popular for their Wi-Fi functionalities like ESP8266, ESP-12E, etc. These all are powerful Microcontroller…
Most of us are familiar with the Python programming language. Python is a very powerful programming language and used to build…
ESP32 series microcontrollers are low-cost, low-power system-on-chip microcontrollers that come with integrated Wi-Fi and dual-…
There are many human identification systems that use signatures, fingerprints, voice, hand geometry, face recognition, etc. to…
MicroPython is a lightweight version of the Python programming language developed for programming microcontrollers, SOCs, and…
How cool it be to turn on the lights automatically as soon as you enter in your home and turn it off again when you leave! Yes…
Wireless Headphones, Fitness bands, Bluetooth Speakers, In-Ear headphones, Mobile phones, Laptops... there are so many…
Bluetooth modules like HC-05 and HC-06 are easy to set-up and quick to use with Arduino IDE, but they have their own limitation…