ESP32 Projects with Code and Circuit Diagram

ESP32 is a tiny cheap 8$ module with a dual core 32-bit CPU and built in Wi-Fi and dual-mode Bluetooth with sufficient amount of 30 I/O pins for all basic electronics projects. All these features are very easy to use, since it can be programmed directly from the Arduino IDE. Explore below the list of ESP32 projects to start with ESP32 based IoT projects.

In the last part, Designing Smartwatch using ESP32, we have looked at how to interface the…

In the last part, DIY Smartwatch using ESP32, we have looked at how to make some…

Electrical appliances are all around us, starting from the indispensable charger of your smartphone to heavier…

People may access messages, alerts, health information, and other advanced information easily and quickly using…

When we are talking about LoRa, it's been more than 10 years since its first official launch and since that day LoRa is…

If you are an embedded engineer and working in the electronic industry, there may come a situation where you need to…

The Oscilloscope is a must-have test instrument for any electronics engineer. It is used to visualize and observe…

There are times when you need something to happen on time and that’s where timers and timer interrupts come to…

Let's say you are trying to build a remote IoT data monitoring system, the first problem you will face is how to get a…

Interrupts are used to handle events that do not happen during the normal execution of a program but when a specific…

As we know that visual aids like displays are inevitable in any Human Machine Interfacing. They are in every…

In industrial and domestic applications, attendance registering is important at each and every moment. Many industries…