Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects
Welcome to another exciting Project in which we will build a Voice Controlled Home Automation System using ESP8266 Wi-Fi module…
Welcome to another project in which we will build a small Robot which can walk and dance. The project aims in teaching you how…
A Voltage or Potential Divider Circuit is commonly used circuit in electronics where an input voltage has to be…
This is another interesting IOT project in which we will build a Security system which can trigger an E-mail when it detects…
Home Automation has always been inspiring projects for most of us. Toggling an AC load from the comfort of our chairs or…
In this tutorial let us learn how to send E-mails from PIC Microcontroller using famous WiFi module the ESP8266. This…
In this project, we are going to use a PIC microcontroller to remotely control few AC loads by just using an IR remote. A…
In this article, let us discuss how to interface WIFI module ESP8266 with a PIC microcontroller. So far you might have…
In our previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer, how to build a Arduino GPS…
This is the third tutorial in continuation of our previous ESP tutorials, in which we will learn to Program the ESP8266 with…
This tutorial is the continuation of the previous tutorial Getting Started with ESP8266 (Part 1). So, to give a small recap, in…
Internet of Things and Home Automation has really been a hyped topic in the recent days. Building something on our own which…