Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects
In this project we make a Cool Speedometer for bikes or any automotives by using Arduino which broadcast…
Downloading and seeding Torrents from the computer or any other dedicated server consumes a very fair amount of energy, if you…
This is an interesting project in which we explore the power of an Arduino and Android to create a Surveillance device which…
In this tutorial we will learn How to make out PIC projects wireless by interfacing a Bluetooth Module (HC-06). In our previous…
In this tutorial we learn to Enable UART communication with PIC Microcontroller and how to transfer data to and from your…
This is our 11th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. In this tutorial we will learn How to control…
In this DIY session we are building a web controlled surveillance robotic car using raspberry pi and a webcam. This could be a…
You might have heard about Smart Refrigerator which can automatically order the food items which are running low in…
This is our 10th tutorial of Learning PIC microcontrollers using MPLAB and XC8. Till now, we have covered many basic…
You must have familiar with Voice typing, which is very commonly used in Computers and mobiles phone, where you can type any…
The main problem while working with Raspberry Pi is to know the IP address of the Raspberry Pi, which will be needed to login…
In this project we are going to use Load cell and HX711 Weight Sensor with Raspberry Pi to build a Automatic Gate. We have seen…