Audio Electronics

Audio Electronics deals with the circuits that are designed for converting sound/pressure wave signals to electrical signals, or vise versa. These circuits are used to processes and manipulate audio signals to design different types of audio amplifiers, audio mixers, frequency controllers etc..

This section consists of a huge collection of audio circuits with schematics and detailed explanation, to help you build Audio projects and use them for your Audio designs.

The TDA7294 IC is a popular sound amplifier IC with low cost that has a ton of power handling capacity,…

Most musical concerts nowadays are accompanied by some fancy light shows. Almost all concerts, festivals, and nightclubs …

We are living in the era of 5G and 5G-enabled devices; however, old technologies like the walkie-talkie system and RF…

Maxim Integrated unveiled the MAX98396 Class D/G speaker amplifier with the industry’s lowest noise and lowest quiescent power…

The need for home security alarm systems nowadays is a serious demand. As the number of crimes is increasing every day, there…

I2S is an Inter-IC Sound protocol that is used mainly to transmit or receive the audio data in a synchronous serial port…

Analog Radios are getting extinct in this digital world since everything, from movies to songs is being directly streamed from…

VA1200 from Vesper is the piezoelectric MEMS voice accelerometer that enables high-fidelity Voice Pickup (VPU) in earbuds…

Doorbell is a very common and useful device used in every household. Among electronics students and hobbyists, the doorbell…

On average, 2500 songs are uploaded every hour on Spotify, Apple Music, YouTube, and other streaming platforms which makes 60,…

The HFDA801A from STMicroelectronics is a high-resolution audio amplifier that is specifically designed for compact, cost-…

The HFDA801A from STMicroelectronics is a 2MHz switching pulse-width modulation (PWM) Class-D amplifier designed for compact,…