Audio Electronics deals with the circuits that are designed for converting sound/pressure wave signals to electrical signals, or vise versa. These circuits are used to processes and manipulate audio signals to design different types of audio amplifiers, audio mixers, frequency controllers etc..
This section consists of a huge collection of audio circuits with schematics and detailed explanation, to help you build Audio projects and use them for your Audio designs.
LAN9360 from Microchip is the recently released fully integrated AVB audio endpoint solution that helps in reducing development…
If you are an electronics hobbyist then you must have heard about the 555 timer IC and its 3 popular circuits viz. astable…
Almost all types of sensors and transducers convert real world parameters like light, temperature, weight etc into voltage…
DIY Music players are fun to build, and we previously built a few music players using Arduino and a dedicated MP3…
Speech recognition technology is very useful in automation which not only gives you hands free control over devices but also…
Tone control or Active equalizer circuit especially bass, treble, and MID control based Equalizer is an important circuit in…
COVID19 is really a historic pandemic affecting the whole world very badly and people are building a lot of new devices to…
Nowadays, most of us like to listen to music, with our smartphones. But a few years back, this was not the case, at that point…
A potentiometer is a mechanical device using which one can set the resistance according to the desired value, thus changing the…
Infineon Technologies AG has introduced a self-contained Raspberry Pi audio amplifier HAT (Hardware Attached on Top) board that…
TT Electronics has expanded its professional audio portfolio with the introduction of five rotary potentiometer families, four…
RICOH Electronic Devices introduced the RN5T569, a power management multichannel IC (PMIC) for automotive applications that…