500+ DIY Arduino Projects with Code & Circuit Diagram

Arduino is a popular open-source development board used by engineers, hobbyists, and makers to develop electronic projects and prototypes easily. 

The below list consists of a large collection of free Arduino Projects that was built by us here in Circuit Digest. All the projects that we have provided here consist of neatly illustrated Arduino circuit diagrams and detailed explanations, the relevant Arduino code is also provided for a complete do-it-yourself tutorial. If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Basic Electronics Projects | Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects

Charlieplexing is a technique of controlling many LEDs using a few I/O pins. Charlieplexing is same as multiplexing, but it…

Designers use many wireless communication systems like Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE 4.0), Zigbee, ESP8266 Wi-Fi Modules, 433MHz RF…

When developing electronic projects, the power supply is one of the most important part of whole project and there is always…

Morse code is a system of communication to encode any character in two different durations of signals called Dots and Dashes.…

Today most of the phones come with gesture control feature to open or close any app, start music, attend calls etc. This is a…

Today any average car consists of around 60 to 100 sensor units in it for sensing and exchanging information. With car…

TOF or Time of flight is a commonly used method to measure the distance of distant objects by various distance measurement…

When debugging an electronics circuit or testing a new hardware design, often times I tend to check if the components on the…

The MPU6050 is an IC 3-axis accelerometer and a 3-axis gyroscope combined into one unit. It also houses a…

Knowing the whereabouts of a particular object/person has always been comforting. Today, GPS is being extensively used in asset…

Text-to-speech or TTS system converts normal text into Speech. This tech enables the system to speak out the text in a human…

Ever wondered how our world is moving towards the immersive reality. We are continuously finding new ways and methods to…