
Interfacing Alphanumeric 16*2 LCD Display with MSP430 Alphanumeric 16*2 LCD Display Interfacing with MSP430 using Code Composer Studio

This article is the continuation of our tutorial series on programming MSP430 using Code Composer Studio. Last tutorial was…

External Interrupts on MSP430 Interrupts in MSP430 – Writing GPIO Interrupt Program using Code Composer Studio

Consider a simple digital watch which is programmed to just show you time, now imagine you want to change its time zone. What…

Interfacing HC-05 Bluetooth Module with MSP430 Launchpad to Control an LED Interfacing HC-05 Bluetooth Module with MSP430 Launchpad to control an LED

While a lot of wireless technologies have been introduced in past decade, but Bluetooth is still the most popular tech for…

Motion Detector Using MSP430 Launchpad and PIR Sensor Motion Detector Using MSP430 Launchpad and PIR Sensor

Motion detection is an essential part of security systems and PIR sensor is one of the most commonly used sensor for trigging…

Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System using MSP430 Launchpad and GPS Module Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System using MSP430 Launchpad and GPS Module

In previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer and how to Track vehicle using GSM and…

Line Follower Robot Using MSP430 LaunchPad Line Follower Robot Using MSP430 LaunchPad

Line follower robot is one of the popular robotics projects among students and beginners because of its simplicity. It follows…

I2C communication with MSP430 Launchpad I2C communication with MSP430 Launchpad

MSP430 is a powerful platform provided by Texas Instruments for embedded projects, its versatile nature has made it to find…

Sending Email Using ESP8266 and MSP430 Launchpad Sending Email Using MSP430 Launchpad and ESP8266

We are moving towards the World of Internet of Things (IoT), a technology which is going to play a very important role in the…

RFID Interfacing with MSP430 Launchpad RFID Interfacing with MSP430 Launchpad

In this tutorial we design a system to read the RFID cards using MSP430 and RFID Reader. RFID stands for Radio Frequency…

Interfacing RTC module (DS3231) with MSP430: Digital Clock Interfacing RTC module (DS3231) with MSP430: Digital Clock

In this tutorial we will make a Digital Clock by interfacing RTC module DS3231 with MSP430 and display the time and date on…