Design a Coil - Air Core, Ferrite Core and Toroidal Core Winding How to Design a Coil - Air Core, Ferrite Core and Toroidal Core Winding

Every hobbyist wanting to dabble in radio has to – at some point – wind a coil or two, be it the antenna coil of an AM radio, a…

Burn Arduino Bootloader in ATmega328 IC How to Burn Arduino Bootloader in ATmega328 IC and Program it using Arduino IDE

We all know that, Atmega328 IC is used in Arduino UNO board. This IC is the brain of the Arduino board. Actually, Arduino…

DIY Solar Mobile Phone Charger Circuit Solar Powered Cell Phone Charger Circuit

Electronic gadgets like Mobile Phones and IPods have made our lives a lot easier. But, all of them suffer from one common…

DIY Fingerprint Scanning Garage Door Opener DIY Garage Door Opener with Fingerprint Scanner

If you often forget to carry the key of your Garage, and feels irritated when you are in hurry, then you must try this DIY…

DIY Homemade Arduino Make Your Own Homemade Arduino Board with ATmega328 Chip

Arduino is an open-source development platform for engineers and hobbyists to develop electronics projects in an easy…

DIY Romantic Marry Me Circuit Board DIY Romantic Marry Me Circuit Board

Here's something interesting for the inner romantics and DIY circuit board assemblers among us. Yes, I'm talking to you,…

DIY Piano using 555 Timer IC DIY Piano

Piano is developed by connecting a 555 timer ASTABLE multivibrator with variable frequency to a speaker. Piano is a…