ESP8266 Projects

The ESP Wi-Fi modules are microcontrollers with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth (not all models) capability, developed by Espressif Systems. It consists of many development boards like ESP8266-01, ESP8266, NodeMCU, ESP12, ESP32 etc. All the development boards can be easily programmed using Arduino IDE and can be used in a variety of applications like Home Automation, Internet of things (IoT), Smart devices etc.. The below list consists of a large collection of ESP8266 projects with circuit diagram, code and hardware demonstration.   You can also check out the Arduino ESP8266 projects if you have to interface an ESP with Arduino board.

June 5, 2019

RTC or Real Time Clock is the most commonly used module in Electronics and embedded devices to keep track of time. But the…

May 27, 2019

In this tutorial we will interface OLED Display with NodeMCU ESP8266. NodeMCU is an open source IoT platform that includes…

May 17, 2019
What is OTA Programming?

OTA Programming (Over the Air) is a process which allows devices to upgrade their firmware or software…

May 1, 2019

Now a days, the Bluetooth has become integral part of digital devices and it comes inbuilt in most of the devices such as…

April 18, 2019

As the IoT revolution is booming with every single day, the number of connected devices are increasing very rapidly. In future…

March 8, 2019

Humans and machines interact and communicate with one other in many possible ways, computers have monitor, keyboard and mouse,…

March 4, 2019

Atmega16 is a low cost 8 bit microcontroller and comes with more number of GPIO’s than its previous version of microcontrollers…

February 5, 2019

Microcontrollers have small internal memory which is not enough to save sensors generated data for long time, either you have…

February 1, 2019

ESP8266 Wi-Fi transceiver provides a way to connect a microcontroller to the network. It is widely used in IoT projects as it…

January 27, 2019

Have you ever thought of controlling any peripheral from anywhere in the world? Yes the IoT (Internet of things) has made this…

December 20, 2018

Home Automation has always been inspiring projects for most of us. Toggling an AC load from the comfort of our chairs or bed of…

October 25, 2018

If you think about future technologies then the two names, which immediately comes in your mind, are Artificial Intelligence (…