Electronics Projects

Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects

Hi guys, so one of the problems with the digital age is having so much data stored here and there, especially media files, its…

The features of the digital products are growing enormously which triggers the frequent usage of smart phones in several…

In simple language, Tone Control Circuit is the circuit, using which we can control the output of audio device. To control the…

Be it an ordinary high school project or a mind-blowing arcing project, a Tesla Coil is always fun to build and will definitely…

Recently Gesture controlled Laptops or computers are getting very famous. This technique is called Leap motion which enables us…

Hi guys, welcome to today's tutorial, one of the good things about the Raspberry Pi is the great ability and ease with which it…

In this project, we are going to Control the Speed of Dc Motor Wirelessly Using IR or TV Remote Control. Here we are not going…

A Line Follower Robot is a simple yet fascinating robot for most students/hobbyists to build. In this tutorial we will learn…

Telegram is an optimal application to combine with Raspberry Pi for all our mobile control purpose. It has very good developer…

In this project, we will make an 8-channel Motor Driver Module Circuit for motors based applications. In this circuit, we have…

Raspberry Pi has always been fun and easy to build projects. Its powerful ARM architecture and open-source Linux based…

One of the coolest embedded platforms like the Arduino has given makers and DIYers the ability to get location data easily…