Our Personal Favourite Arduino Projects for you to Try in 2023

Published  January 13, 2023   0
S Staff
Best Arduino Projects
Best Arduino Projects

Arduino is an open-source microcontroller platform that is widely used in DIY electronics and robotics projects. It is easy to use and has a huge community of users who share their projects and offer support to others. We made a lot of amazing projects with Arduino, ESPs, ARM, and Raspberry Pi in 2022.

Here is a list of the top 10 Arduino projects that you can build:

1. Animatronic Eye with Arduino

Animatronic Eye with Arduino

An animatronic eye is a mechanical device that is designed to mimic the movement and appearance of a real eye. The circuit we made is powered by Arduino, and can be used for a variety of applications including robotics, entertainment, and educational projects. They can be programmed to follow a specific set of instructions or can be controlled manually through the use of sensors and controls.  The List of components to build an animatronic eye is shown below.

Components Required to Build the 3D Printed Animatronic Eye

  • Six SG90 Servo Motor
  • Screws M2, M3, and M4
  • Arduino UNO
  • Jumper Cables
  • Breadboard
  • Pinheadder
  • PLA Filament and 3D Printer

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project  How to Build a 3D Printed Animatronic Eye with Arduino.

2. Arduino Based Resistor Reel Cutting Machine

Arduino Based Resistor Reel Cutting Machine

An Arduino based resistor reel cutting machine is a device that is used to cut resistor strips from a reel of resistor material. These resistor strips are used in a variety of electronic circuits and devices, and the process of cutting them from a reel can be time-consuming and prone to errors if done manually. An Arduino based resistor reel cutting machine automates this process, allowing for accurate and efficient cutting of the resistor strips.

Materials Required to Build a Resistor Reel Cutting Machine

Mechanical Components 

Electronic Components

  • Aluminum Extrusion Profile 20x40 6T Slot
  • Smooth Shaft Rod 8mm Diameter
  • Threaded Rod 8mm Diameter
  • Nema17 motor Coupling for 8mm soft shaft
  • Flanged Ball Bearing 8mm bore – 2pcs
  • Pillow Block Mount 8mm bore – 2pcs
  • Cast Corner Bracket for 2020 Aluminum Extrusion – 4pcs
  • Sliding T nut for 2020 Aluminum Extrusion – 20 pcs
  • M4 6mm Socket Screws for T nut – 20 pcs
  • Timing Belt for pulley.
  • Nema17 Stepper Motor
  • MG90S Servo Motor with Metal Gear
  • Arduino Nano
  • 16x2 LCD Screen
  • A4988 Stepper Motor Driver module
  • MOC7811 opto-coupler sensor
  • 12V 2A DC adapter
  • Push buttons
  • 50V 100uf electrolytic capacitor
  • Connecting Wires and perf board

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project Arduino Based Resistor Reel Cutting Machine.

3. DIY Arduino Bluetooth Car Controlled by Mobile Application

Arduino Bluetooth Car

An Arduino Bluetooth car controlled by a mobile application is a fun and interactive project that allows you to control a small car using your smartphone. This project requires some basic knowledge of Arduino programming and the ability to connect an Arduino board to a Bluetooth module.

Components & Tools Required to Build Wireless Arduino Bluetooth Robot

  • Arduino UNO *1
  • HC05 Module *1
  • L298N Motor driver *1
  • NeoPixel LED x as required
  • Lithium ion 18650 battery with protection circuit *1
  • BO Motors with wheels  *4
  • Perf board big *1
  • Perfboard small *1
  • Toggle switch *1
  • DC female jack *1
  • Relimate connector pair *1
  • Male bergstrip *1
  • Female Bergstip *2
  • Single Strand Wires of various colors * as required
  • Sunboard of medium thickness * as required
  • Paper Cutter, Hot Glue, Feviquick, Ruler, Marker, Wirecutter, Screwdriver

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project DIY Arduino Bluetooth Car Controlled by Mobile Application.

4. POV Display with WS2812B Neopixel LEDs

POV Display with WS2812B Nonpixel LEDs

A Point of View (POV) display is a type of display that shows a message or image that appears to be floating in midair. It can be created using an Arduino and some simple electronics. In this tutorial, we have built a POV Display with WS2812B LEDs.

Components Required to Build Arduino Based POV Display

  • ESP8266 - 01
  • WS2812B RGB LEDS
  • 3.7V 400mA Lithium Battery
  • 12V DC Motor
  • Perfboard
  • Wires
  • Connectors
  • Two Component Adhesive
  • And a 12V battery (to supply the motor)

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project How not to Build a POV Display Using WS2812B Neopixel LEDs and ESP8266 .

5. IoT Based Compact Soil Moisture Monitoring Device

Soil Moisture Monitoring Device

An IoT (Internet of Things) based compact soil moisture monitoring device is a device that is designed to measure the moisture content of soil using sensors, and transmit the data to a remote location using an IoT network. These devices are often used in agriculture to help farmers optimize irrigation schedules, and in landscaping to help maintain optimal moisture levels in plants. Some compact soil moisture monitoring devices may also have additional features such as temperature and pH sensors, which can provide additional information about the soil conditions.

Components Required to Build Arduino Based POV Display

  • ESP8266 - 01
  • WS2812B RGB LEDS
  • 3.7V 400mA Lithium Battery
  • 12V DC Motor
  • Perfboard
  • Wires
  • Connectors
  • Two Component Adhesive
  • And a 12V battery (to supply the motor)

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project Low Power IoT Based Compact Soil Moisture Monitoring Device.

6. Motorized Camera Slider using Arduino

Motorized Camera Slider using Arduino

A motorized camera slider is a device that allows a camera to be moved horizontally along a track, often for the purpose of capturing smooth, panning shots. A motorized camera slider using Arduino is one that is controlled using an Arduino microcontroller, which is a small computer that can be programmed to control various electronic devices.

Components Required to Build Arduino Camera Slider

  • Arduino Nano – 1
  • Motor Driver (A4988/DRV8825/ TMC2209) – 2
  • OLED display 128x64 – 1
  • Rotary encoder module HW-040 - 1
  • NEMA N17 Stepper motor – 2
  • Limit Switch 3 Pin SPDT – 2
  • On /Off Switch – 1
  • DC socket 5521 - 1
  • Aluminum Profile 2040 V slot – 50cm
  • M5 Aluminium spacer 5mm bore 6mm length – 3
  • Full component list available on circuit digest website.

For further information build instructions and code do check out the project  DIY Motorized Camera Slider using Arduino and Stepper Motors for Video Shooting.

7. DIY Handheld Retro Gaming Console using ESP32

DIY Handheld Retro Gaming Console using ESP32

A handheld retro gaming console using an ESP32 is a device that allows you to play classic video games on the go. The ESP32 is a microcontroller with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities, making it well-suited for building wireless, portable devices.

Components Required to build Handheld  Retro Gaming Console

  • ESP32 Wrover Kit with 16MB flash – 1
  • Waveshare 2” 320x240 IPS display module with ST7789V driver – 1
  • TP4056 module with protection – 1
  • AO3401 SMD P-Channel MOSFET – 1
  • SD Card Slot – 1
  • SMD Slide switch 1P2T – 1
  • 3.5mm Audio Jack SMD PJ-327-A -1
  • 3.7V Lipo battery – 1
  • 2Pin JST XH battery connector – 1
  • 6x6x6xmm tactile switches – 10
  • 3mm LED – 1
  • 3.3v Active buzzer – 1
  • 100k Resistor – 2
  • 10k Resistor – 7
  • 1k Resistor – 1

For further information build instructions and code do check out the project DIY Handheld Retro Gaming Console using ESP32.

8. Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel

Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel

In this tutorial we have built a Touch Capacitive PCB using an ATMega328P IC to control the neo pixel led strip. We will include some features such as music reactive mode, random animation mode, and RGB controlling mode on our PCB.

Components Required to build the Front Panel PCB

  • ATMega328P IC (DIP Package)
  • SMD Resistors (1 Mega Ohm, 0805) X 9
  • SMD Resistors (1K, 0805)x1
  • Piezoelectric Buzzer
  • SMD 78M05 IC
  • SMD Electrolytic Capacitor (10uF,16V,4x45mm) x 2
  • SMD Capacitor ( 22pF 0805) x 11
  • Crystal Oscillator (16 MHz)

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project  Design and Build a Touch Capacitive Based PCB Light Panel to Control NeoPixel LED Strip.

9. Power Consumption Monitoring Device using ESP32

Power Consumption Monitoring Device

A power consumption monitoring device using an ESP32 is a device that measures the power consumption of an electrical appliance or system, and transmits the data to a remote location using an ESP32 microcontroller with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities.

Components Required to build Smart Power Consumption Meter

  • ESP32 WROOM 32D Module
  • 0.96” 128X64 I2C LED
  • ZMPT101B Voltage Sensor
  • ACS712 Current Sensor
  • 220V AC 3 Pin Socket MALE
  • 220V AC 3 Pin Socket FEMALE
  • 3D Printed Casing

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project  Power Consumption Monitoring Device.

10. DIY Ultrasonic Mist Maker using ESP8266 and Arduino

DIY Ultrasonic Mist Maker

An ultrasonic mist maker using an ESP8266 is a device that uses high-frequency sound waves to create a fine mist, and is controlled using an ESP8266 microcontroller with WiFi and Bluetooth capabilities. This type of device is often used to add moisture to the air, for example in a greenhouse or to increase humidity in a room.

Components Required to Build Arduino Based Mist Maker

  • ESP8266 - ESP01 Module
  • USB To TTL Converter Module
  • Ultrasonic Humidifier Module
  • WSB2812 IC. 5 Units.
  • TP4056 Module
  • 3.7V 700mAh Li-Po Battery
  • LDR

For further information build instruction and code do check out the project  DIY Ultrasonic Mist Maker.

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