Raspberry Pi Project

Smallest Rubik's Cube Solver Robot Raspberry Pi Powered World's Smallest Rubik's Cube Solver Robot

A creator named Andrea Favero, from Netherlands has created the world’s smallest Rubik’s…

DIY Raspberry Pi POE HAT A Poor Man’s Raspberry Pi PoE HAT that You can Build on Your Own

Raspberry Pi-based systems require internet connectivity to work at full potential, this is especially true for applications…

Temperature Monitoring using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Data Logger using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Sensor

With temperature monitoring, you can easily monitor, track and generate graphs to understand the daily…

DIY Raspberry Pi Zero Power Supply HAT Design and build a Raspberry Pi 18650 Li-ion Battery HAT to make your projects portable

We have been using Raspberry Pi for a long time to create many exciting projects. But, oftentimes we face an issue in selecting…

Raspberry Pi Hot Water Tank Leak Detector using SPI Modules Raspberry Pi Hot Water Tank Leak Detector using SPI Modules

Modules and shields are always handy when building some complex circuit, especially with Arduino and Raspberry Pi. These…

Raspberry Computer Chess Board DIY Computer Chess Board using Raspberry Pi

Chess is a great mind strategic game and played between two people. But since the inception of video games and computer, it…

Raspberry Pi as Wi-Fi Access Point Raspberry Pi as Wi-Fi Access Point

If you want to setup Wi-Fi in your home and you don’t have a Wi-Fi router but you have a Raspberry Pi board, then you can use…

Raspberry Pi Netlight: The Internet Indicator Raspberry Pi Netlight: The Internet Indicator

You must have faced the problem of Internet going up and down, and then every time you need to either look at the router for…

Automated Home Brewing: Raspberry Pi Projects Automated Home Brewing using Raspberry Pi

Beer is one of most consumed drinks in the world and the process used to produce the Beer is called Brewing. Brewing is the…

Raspberry Pi Powered DVD Ripper Bot Raspberry Pi Powered DVD Ripper Bot

DVDs are now becoming obsolete and Laptops are coming without the DVD Drive now. Blu-ray discs are becoming popular for High…