New Product

Pin-type Humidity Sensor SHT85 Pin-type Humidity Sensor Enabling Easy Replaceability

Sensirion introduce the new pin-type relative humidity sensor SHT85 for easy integration and replaceability in a wide range of…

MAX17250 DC-DC Boost Converter with 0.1 μA True Shutdown Mode Mouser Electronics Now Stocking Maxim MAX17250 DC-DC Boost Converter with 0.1 μA True Shutdown Mode

The MAX17250 DC-DC synchronous boost converter from Maxim Integrated is now available on Mouser Electronics. The MAX17250…

Ultra low power 6-Axis Inertial Module for Industrial Applications Ultra low power 6-Axis Inertial Module for Industrial Applications

The ISM330DLC six-axis IMU (Inertial Measurement Unit) extends STMicroelectronics’ family of ultra-low power MEMS…

Maxim Go-IO Industrial IoT Platform Low Power, Small size Go-IO Industrial IoT Development Platform from Maxim

With a size that is just one-half of that of a credit card, Maxim Integrated Go-IO packs in 17 Configurable IOs with self-…

New Optocouplers Offer 800 V Off-State Voltage, Deliver High Robustness and Noise Isolation New Optocouplers Offer 800 V Off-State Voltage, Deliver High Robustness and Noise Isolation

Vishay Intertechnology released two new optocouplers with a phototriac output in the compact flat SOP-4 package. Featuring high…

New 2-channel isolated gate-driver ICs New 2-channel isolated gate-driver ICs

Infineon Technologies introduces a new family of 2-channel isolated EiceDRIVER™ ICs for use in high-performance power…

Accelerate Development of Remote IoT Nodes with New Low Power LoRa System-in-Package Family Accelerate Development of Remote IoT Nodes with New Low Power LoRa System-in-Package Family

As LoRa technology is extending the reach of the Internet of Things by combining long-range wireless connectivity with low-…

Tiny Coin-Shaped All-in-one IoT-node development kit Tiny Coin-Shaped All-in-one IoT-node development kit

BlueNRG-Tile is a new all-in-one IoT-node development kit from STMicroelectronics. Built around ST’s BlueNRG-2 Bluetooth…

New 1700V SiC Power Module New 1700V SiC Power Module

ROHM announced the development of a 1700V/250A rated SiC power module that provides high level of reliability optimized for…

High-Performance Analog ICs for Building Automation, Automotive and Backup Power Systems High-Performance Analog ICs for Building Automation, Automotive and Backup Power Systems

Maxim Integrated introduced three new building-block analog ICs for designers who are looking for greater efficiency and…