community news

IoT-GPS Animal Tracking System Low-Cost IoT-GPS Animal Tracking System to Protect Wildlife

Elephants don’t mean any harm, but when they wander into villages or farms, the damage can be severe, sometimes even leading to dangerous…

Bringing Programming to Life with Smart Building Blocks Bringing Programming to Life with Smart Building Blocks

STEM education has become a crucial part of modern learning, helping children develop problem-solving skills, logical thinking, and creativity…

DIY AI Camera That Describes Images Instead of Displaying Them DIY AI Camera with ESP32-CAM That Analyzes and Describes Images

DIY enthusiasts have made an AI camera that, instead of displaying images, reads the images and gives a description about them. For doing so, it…

DIY Multipurpose Oscilloscope Using the Pico DIY Open-Source Oscilloscope Using a Raspberry Pi Pico and Scoppy

A developer has built an open-source multifunctional oscilloscope by repurposing an old Android phone, a Raspberry Pi…

Camera That Identify Objects at The Speed of Light Camera That Identifies Objects at Light Speed with Ultra-Low Power Use

Researchers at Princeton University, led by Felix Heide, and Arka Majumdar from the University of Washington, developed a camera that doesn’t just…

Vector display using Laser Light High-Speed Vector Display Using a Galvo Mirror

A developer has built a laser galvo-based vector display featuring a custom signal conditioning and thermal management…

ESP32-S3 IR Thermal Imaging Camera Module ESP32-S3-Based Thermal Camera Module Makes Infrared Imaging More Accessible

Thermal imaging has long been an essential tool in various industries, from detecting heat leaks in buildings to diagnosing electrical faults and…

Gesture Recognition using ML Magic Wand Arduino ML Magic Wand - Gesture Driven Smart Home Control

Arduino has shared the ML Magic Wand project as a demonstration of its Nano Matter board, showcasing how machine…

Shape Shifting Robot Robot with Shape Shifting Design That Rolls, Moves, and Swims Across Any Terrain

Robots usually struggle with challenging terrains and may need an extensive amount of sensors to navigate through tough environments. GOAT…

3D Gesture Control Sensor Open-Source Touch-Free 3D Gesture Sensor

A YouTuber has shared a gesture sensor that detects hand movements using electric field sensing. Unlike optical or…