
Fingerprint based Car Ignition System Fingerprint based Car Ignition System using Arduino and RFID

Nowadays most of the car comes with keyless entry and push-button ignition system, in which you only need to carry the key in…

Arduino Based Walkie Talkie using nRF24L01 Long Range Arduino Based Walkie Talkie using nRF24L01

We are living in the era of 5G and 5G-enabled devices; however, old technologies like the walkie-talkie system and RF…

Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm using Arduino Nano Hand Gesture Controlled Robotic Arm using Arduino Nano

Robotic Arms are one of the fascinating engineering creations and it is always fascinating to watch these things tilt and…

Arduino Based Pulse Oximeter Sensor Circuit Compact Arduino Based Pulse Oximeter Sensor Circuit

There are many pulse-oximeter sensors available in the market for medical purposes, and in one of our previous projects,…

DIY Handheld Game Console using Arduino Pro Micro and Arduboy DIY Handheld Game Console using Arduino Pro Micro and Arduboy

In this tutorial, we are going to build a handheld game console using Arduino Pro Micro, Arduboy package, and a handful of…

Portable Arduino-based Load Scale with HX711 Weight Sensor Portable Arduino Weighing Machine with Set Weight Option for Retail Packing

Digital load scales are another miracle of modern-day engineering and design. Yes, we are talking about the weighing scale we…

Quark Open Source Wireless Arduino-Based Electronics Multitool Quark: Open Source Wireless Arduino-Based Electronics Multitool to Simplify the Development Process

If you are an electronic enthusiast, you surely would be interested in the latest Arduino-based tools released to ease the…

Measuring Water Level using Arduino and JSN SR-40T Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor How to Measure Water Level using JSN SR-40T Waterproof Ultrasonic Sensor

Ultrasonic sensor, also known as a SONAR sensor is an electronic device that is used to measure the distance of a…

Getting Started with Arduino IoT Cloud Getting Started with Arduino Cloud IoT: Connect ESP8266 to Arduino Cloud IoT

In 2019, Arduino Platform introduced Arduino Cloud IoT which is an end-to-end solution to help IoT enthusiasts and…

Dog-Barking-Security-Alarm-using-Arduino Dog Barking Security Alarm using Arduino, PIR Sensor and Dog Barking Sound Module

The need for home security alarm systems nowadays is a serious demand. As the number of crimes is increasing every day, there…