arduino uno

Automatic Bottle Filling System using Arduino Automatic Bottle Filling System using Arduino

Automatic Bottle Filling Machines are most commonly used in beverages and soft drink industries. These machines use a conveyor…

Programming ATtiny85 with Arduino Uno Programming ATtiny85 Microcontroller IC with Arduino Uno

ATtiny85 Microcontroller Chip is an affordable and powerful alternative to other Arduino microcontrollers, especially when…

Programming ATtiny85 IC directly through USB without Arduino using Digispark Bootloader Programming ATtiny85 IC directly through USB using Digispark Bootloader

The ATtiny family is a series of one of the smallest microcontrollers in the AVR market. These microcontrollers are capable of…

Controlling WS2812B RGB LED Shield with Arduino and Blynk Controlling a WS2812B RGB LED Matrix with Android App using Arduino and Blynk

Over the course of a few years, RGB LEDs are getting popular day by day due to its beautiful color, brightness, and enticing…

Li-Fi based Text Communication between Multiple Arduino Li-Fi based Text Communication between Two Arduino

Li-Fi (Light Fidelity) is an advanced technology that allows transferring data using optical communication such as visible…

Raspberry Pi LoRa HAT DIY Raspberry Pi LoRa HAT - LoRa Communication between Raspberry Pi and Arduino

Raspberry Pi HAT is an add-on board for Raspberry Pi with the same dimensions as Pi. It can directly fit on the top of…

Program Arduino Wirelessly over Bluetooth How to Program Arduino Wirelessly over Bluetooth

Arduino Uno, the most popular microcontroller among electronics hobbyists and students and its pretty easy to get started with…

Arduino Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT Smart Water Quality Monitoring System Using IoT

Agriculture is the backbone of our country and it is very important to know the parameter of soil and water for efficient…

Interfacing ESP32 SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32 Interfacing SX1278 LoRa Module with ESP32

LoRa is a wireless Radio frequency technology introduced by a company called Semtech intended to be used to…

Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation Using Arduino Simple Ultrasonic Acoustic Levitation using Arduino and HCSR04 Ultrasonic Sensor

It is very exciting to see something floating in the air or free space that is exactly what an anti-gravity project is about.…