arduino uno

Water Flow Sensor using Arduino Measuring water Flow Rate and Volume using Arduino and Flow Sensor

If you have ever visited large scale manufacturing companies, the first thing you will notice is that they are all automated.…

Mobile controlled RC Car using Arduino Build RC Car using Arduino and ESP8266 for Real Time Applications

In this project, we will make a remote controlled car for real time applications. This robotic car has been…

Obstacle Avoiding Robot Obstacle Avoiding Robot using Arduino, Servo Motors and Ultrasonic Sensor

An Obstacle Avoidance Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on…

Anti Trespass Road System Anti Trespass Road System for Intrusion Activities or Security Threats

A lot of intrusion activities/security threats in the army area are seen nowadays. This gave me an idea to…

Arduino based Home Automation using Bluetooth and Smartphone Voice controlled Home automation using Arduino and Bluetooth

I have built a model of a Modern Smart Home. These features demonstrate what a Smart Home would be like! A…

DIY Arduino Fire Fighting Robot using Ultrasonic Sensor DIY Fire Fighting Robot using Arduino and Ultrasonic Sensor

As we have heard many fire accidents take place around us. The Surat fire accident in which many students…

Water Supply Chain Management System using Arduino and NodeMCU IoT Water Supply Chain Management System using Arduino and NodeMCU

It is important to first understand what the project is intended to do. Way before starting my IoT &…

Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance and Temperature Recorder System Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance System with Temperature Recorder and Sanitizer Dispenser

What I have made here is an attendance register that records the temperature of a registered user and…

Digital Clock using Arduino Digital Clock using Arduino UNO without RTC Module

In this project, we have the above mentioned components and the working is quite east to understand .The…

Pantomime Gesture Controller using Arduino Arduino based Gesture controlled Robot using Accelerometer

Being in the field of electronic engineering, we wanted to explore and experiment with the different…