16x2 LCD

Bidirectional Counter Using Arduino and IR Sensors How to Build a Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Arduino

Have you ever noticed how shopping malls, parking lots, or event venues seem to track the number of people or cars…

Arduino based Piano with Recording and Replay Arduino Based Piano with Recording and Replay

Arduino has been a boon for people who are not from the electronics background to build stuff easily. It has been a great…

Measuring Turbidity of Water using Arduino and Turbidity Sensor Measuring Turbidity of Water to Determine Water Quality using Arduino and Turbidity Sensor

When it comes to liquids, turbidity is an important term. Because it plays an important role in liquid dynamics and is…

How to use Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino How to Interface Arduino with an Ultrasonic Sensor?

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through interfacing an Arduino with an ultrasonic sensor…

Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Arduino Interfacing 16x2 LCD with Arduino

In this digital age, we come across LCDs all around us from simple calculators to smartphones, computers and television sets,…

Water Flow Sensor using Arduino Measuring water Flow Rate and Volume using Arduino and Flow Sensor

If you have ever visited large scale manufacturing companies, the first thing you will notice is that they are all automated.…

Barcode Scanner Interfacing with Raspberry Pi Interfacing USB Barcode Scanner with Raspberry Pi to Read 2D Barcodes

Barcode Scanner has the capability of scanning various types of linear barcodes. Mostly barcode scanners are used in shopping…

Interfacing LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico Interfacing LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico using Micropython

Hey everyone, in this tutorial we are going to interface a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module with the Raspberry Pi Pico using…

Interfacing I2C LCD and 4 x 4 keypad with Raspberry Pi Zero W Interfacing I2C LCD and 4 x 4 keypad with Raspberry Pi zero W

The Raspberry Pi Zero W is the new and improved upgrade of Raspberry Pi Zero family. In this getting started series for…

ADC on STM8S Microcontroller with COMIC C Compiler ADC on STM8S using Cosmic C Compiler – Reading Multiple ADC Values and Displaying on LCD

If you are a regular reader who is following our STM8S Microcontroller Tutorials, you would know that in our last tutorial, we…