Below section covers a list of simple microcontroller projects to learn and work with the concepts of various microcontrollers and architectures. These microcontroller based projects are covered with detailed explanation of working of hardware, circuit diagrams, software and codes.
Microcontrollers are widely used in various industries, electronic products, automobiles etc.. to perform computing or logical operations. With this huge importance the demand of microcontrollers in industries is prominent and hence as electronics engineers it is important for us to learn how to use them. There are a large number of semiconductor companies manufacturing a variety of microcontrollers, the most popularly ones are 8051 microcontrollers, AVR microcontrollers, PIC microcontroller, TI Microcontrollers, Arduino, Raspberry Pi etc.
Security has always been a major concern for mankind. Today we have video surveillance cameras in schools, hospitals and every…
Sewage management is an important aspect of municipal infrastructure and undoubtedly, it affects our daily hygiene. Poor sewage…
Ever since I started to work with the ESP Wi-Fi Modules, I always wanted to build a smart Wi-Fi socket that enables me to…
Nowadays most of the car comes with keyless entry and push-button ignition system, in which you only need to carry the key in…
OpenCV is a powerful tool and that combined with Raspberry Pi can open doors to many portable smart devices. In our previous…
We are living in the era of 5G and 5G-enabled devices; however, old technologies like the walkie-talkie system and RF…
Robotic Arms are one of the fascinating engineering creations and it is always fascinating to watch these things tilt and…
Hand gesture recognition technology is becoming increasingly popular due to the recent growth and popularity of Virtual and…
There are many pulse-oximeter sensors available in the market for medical purposes, and in one of our previous projects,…
In this tutorial, we are going to build a handheld game console using Arduino Pro Micro, Arduboy package, and a handful of…
Digital load scales are another miracle of modern-day engineering and design. Yes, we are talking about the weighing scale we…
In this tutorial, we are going to implement an Emotion Recognition System or a Facial Expression Recognition System on a…