From bulky vacuum tubes to compact high performance microprocessors the evolution of electronic components over the years has always been evident. This section covers all the recent technological advancement in the electronics industry and the new-age products that have hit the electronics market recently.
China is able to produce and sell EVs at a much cheaper price, which can outpace the EV makers in the west
…Although the current mobility scheme does not take four wheelers into consideration, the subsidies under FAME II will…
The law firm has requested ISM to reject Tower’s new application to set-up the fab without ISMC
…Around $238 million has been sanctioned by the Pentagon to eight regional technology clusters, which are focused on…
Compared to the conventional gasoline engines, EV batteries are heavier and this additional weight puts a lot of…
We are deep in e-mobility. In the next three years, we will expand to six models and out of this, one specific model we…
A couple of weeks back, two smaller Chips Act grants were already sanctioned by the commerce department
…Engineers and designers who are working on circuit boards will be provided with innovative digital tools through this…
Despite a slow start to the year for auto chips, that slice of the chip market is still expected to grow 6 percent…