Explore all electronics projects from simple electronics projects to high-end MCU and IoT projects. These projects belong to a wide range of categories such as Embedded, Power Electronics, Analog, Digital Electronics, Audio and Internet of Things. The below list of electronics projects contains 700+ projects come under various electronics engineering domains.If you want more projects you can also check out our collection at Arduino IoT Projects | Arduino Robotics Projects | Arduino AI Projects | Arduino Home Automation Projects | Raspberry Pi Projects | ESP32 Projects
In today's digital world, electronic circuits play an important role in the devices that we use daily. All the Integrated…
Ever felt lazy in getting up from the comfort of your bed to turn off that light switch. So here we have a cost-…
In many of our previous articles we have used many different types of temperature and humidity sensors like DHT22, DHT11,…
In one of our previous tutorials, we have shown you how you can interface LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino because it's…
A sound sensor is a simple, easy-to-use, and low-cost…
For one of our projects at circuit digest, we wanted to build a Persistence of Vision Display or POV display with WS2812B LEDs…
We are all aware of a basic voltmeter, ammeter, and wattmeters, the three basic things you need to measure values on…
If you are looking for an inexpensive, accurate, easy-to-use temperature sensor, then LM35 is an excellent choice. It…
For those who have a keen interest in gardening, a garden light would provide an option to admire the beauty of their plants…
A Hall effect sensor or Hall sensor is a magnetic non-contact sensor that generates an electrical signal proportional to the…
In this digital age, we come across LCDs all around us from simple calculators to smartphones, computers and television sets,…
Raspberry Pi, as we know is a powerful development board that provides a decent amount of computing power in the size of…