I wanted to build a Pet Robot Dog for my daughter. She loves dogs and would love to have a pet dog. As I can't get her…
Let us introduce Alpha, our quadrupled robot! Constructed to investigate the future of independent companionship. With…
This intruder detection system combines Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and edge computing to create a smart,…
I decided to create a Smart AC watt-hour meter after experiencing a spike in my electricity bill that left me both…
AI is making waves everywhere, but what excites us most is how effortlessly it can now be incorporated into everyday…
Traditionally a blind person uses a stick. While he is on road going from one point to another point,…
This project implements AI based cardiovascular disease prediction from the ECG waveform along…
The idea is to use the Sipeed Maxduino Board and an ESP8266 (Nodemcu) With the help of Platform IO and…
According to the report, our army personnel has to constantly monitor the Himalayan region, at such…
Face recognition is becoming increasingly popular these days. There are numerous project ideas available…
In this project, we have used the popular ESP32-CAM module to build an Image recognition system that can identify…
Hey there, music lovers! We've got something exciting to share with you! We've already…