Raspberry Pi Pico

Ultrasonic Sensor based Distance Meter Build Raspberry Pi Pico based Ultrasonic Distance Meter

The distance meter is used for accurately determining the distance of an object without contact by the…

Temperature Monitoring using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Data Logger using Raspberry Pi Pico and DHT22 Temperature Sensor

With temperature monitoring, you can easily monitor, track and generate graphs to understand the daily…

Line Following Robot using Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Pico based Line Follower Robot

This Robot can follow any line and can reach its destination automatically, by…

Dual Core Programming on the Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython Dual Core Programming on the Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython

Hey everyone, I hope you are enjoying the Raspberry Pi Pico tutorial series. In this tutorial, we are going to control two LEDs…

How to Program Raspberry Pi Pico using C/C++ SDK How to Program Raspberry Pi Pico using C/C++ SDK

In 2012, Raspberry Pi Foundation introduced us to a single board computer i.e. Raspberry Pi, which was mainly promoted for…

How to use Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi pico using HC-05 Bluetooth Module? How to use Bluetooth on Raspberry Pi Pico and Control an LED using Mobile

Hey everyone welcome back to the another tutorial of the Raspberry Pi Pico tutorial series. In this tutorial we are going to…

Interfacing ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Module with Raspberry Pi Pico Interface ESP8266-01 Wi-Fi Module with Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython

We know that ESP-01 is the best and cheaper module available in the market. As the title suggest, in this tutorial, we are…

Control Servo Motor with Raspberry Pi Pico Control a Servo Motor with Raspberry Pi Pico Using PWM in MicroPython

With the hope that you are enjoying our Raspberry Pi Pico tutorial series, we are here with another interesting tutorial.…

Interfacing LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico Interfacing LCD Display with Raspberry Pi Pico using Micropython

Hey everyone, in this tutorial we are going to interface a Liquid Crystal Display (LCD) module with the Raspberry Pi Pico using…

ADC on Raspberry Pi Pico ADC on Raspberry Pi Pico using MicroPython - Reading ADC Value and Displaying on OLED Display Module

We are here with yet another tutorial of the Raspberry Pi Pico. If you are following our Raspberry Pi Pico tutorial series,…