power electronics

+12V and -12V Dual Power Supply Circuit +12V and -12V Dual Power Supply Circuit

The objective of this project is to convert 220V AC supply in to +12V and -12v DC supply, that is why it is named Dual Power Supply as we get…

PNP Transistors PNP Transistors

The first bipolar junction transistor was invented in 1947 at Bell laboratories. “Two polarities”is abbreviated as bipolar,…

Full Wave Rectifier Circuit Full Wave Rectifier Circuit With and Without Filter

The process of converting alternating current into direct current is rectification. Any offline power supply unit has the block…

Half Wave Rectifier Circuit on Breadboard Half Wave Rectifier Circuit With and Without Filter

The process of converting alternating current into direct current is rectification. Any offline power supply unit has the block…

What is NPN Transistor: Working of Transistors as a Switch and Amlifier NPN Transistors

The first bipolar junction transistor was invented in 1947 at Bell laboratories. “Two polarities” is abbreviated as bipolar,…

Voltage Divider Circuit Example Voltage Divider Circuit

A Voltage or Potential Divider Circuit is commonly used circuit in electronics where an input voltage has to be…

12v Battery Charger / Power Supply Circuit using LM317 12v Battery Charger Circuit using LM317 (12v Power Supply)

Most of our electronics projects are powered by a Lead Acid battery, in this project let us discuss how to recharge this lead…

0-24v 3A Variable Power Supply using LM338 0-24v 3A Variable Power Supply using LM338

Batteries are generally used to power up the Electronic Circuit and Projects, as they are easily available and can be connected…

Arduino Variable Power Supply Variable Power Supply By Arduino Uno

In this tutorial we will develop a 5V variable voltage source from Arduino Uno. For that we are going use ADC (Analog to…

Voltage Multiplier Circuit Voltage Multipliers

Voltage Multipliers are the circuits where we get very high DC voltage from the Low AC voltage supply, a voltage multiplier…