Market Research

EV-Charging How Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Are Prone To CyberAttacks, Explains CERT-In

The government is fully cognizant and aware of various cyber security threats and is actively taking steps to combat…

Indonesia- Electric Vehicle How Indonesia Aims to Boost its EV Sales Globally Amid its Existing Challenges

By the end of 2025, the government has targeted to make 25 percent of vehicles fully electric

Wireless Connected Devices Market Segmentation Growing Popularity of Smart Devices and IoT to Shape Further Evolution of Wireless Connected Devices Market

According to a new market report pertaining to the global wireless connected devices market, the global wireless connected…

Automotive HMI Market Infographics The Rising Inclination of the Automotive Industry Towards Vehicle Connectivity and Intelligent Transportation Has Prompted Manufacturers to Integrate Automotive HMIs in Vehicles

According to a report, the global automotive human-machine interface market is projected to reach ~ US$ 27 Bn by 2027…

LoRa Gateway Module Market Value Share by Application - 2018 LoRa Gateway Module Market Estimated to Gain over US$ 3 Bn Incremental Opportunity between 2018 and 2028

The rapid adoption of LoRa gateway modules in various industries, which include manufacturing, energy & utilities,…

Robotics End of Arm Tools - Key Trends in Industrial Automation Activities Robotic End of Arm Tools Tighten their Grip over the Automation Set-up

The industrial ecosystem is in the mid of the fourth industrial revolution—Industry 4.0. Robots are taking over the global…

global lithium ion battery pack market research Future is Supercharged for Lithium-Ion Battery Pack Manufacturers in Asia

With the world moving rapidly towards the future of e-mobility, the lithium-ion battery industry is becoming one of the most…

Market Research on Automotive Battery Management System An Overview of Global Automotive Battery Management Systems Market

The global market for automotive Battery Management Systems has seen a sea change in demand in the past few years with…

Supercapacitors Market Value Share by Region Innovations in Supercapacitor Development: Past, Present, and the Future

The power electronics industry has been on an upward spiral and shows no signs of abating, as the trend of electrification…