
ArduTV Shield ArduTV: Bringing HDMI Displays to Arduino Projects

ArduTV is an upcoming shield designed to make it easy for Arduino users to connect their projects to any HDMI display. By using an AMD Spartan-7…

Interfacing Water Level Sensor with Arduino How does a Water Level Sensor Work and How to Interface it with Arduino?

Water tank overflow is a common problem that results in water wastage, and it's surprising to note that it's not even…

Interfacing SSD1306 OLED Display with Arduino Interfacing OLED Display with Arduino

Most of us would be familiar with the 16×2 Dot matrix LCD display that is used in most of the projects to display some information to the user.…

How to use Ultrasonic Sensor with Arduino How to Interface Arduino with an Ultrasonic Sensor?

In this tutorial, we'll guide you through interfacing an Arduino with an ultrasonic sensor…

Arduino 7 Segment Display Tutorial Interfacing Seven Segment Display with Arduino

Nowadays visual indication is a must feature for any electronic device, which will make user interaction much easier. There are…

Interfacing Flex Sensor with Arduino What is a Flex Sensor and How to use it with Arduino

A flex sensor is a low-cost, easy-to-use variable resistor that is designed to measure the amount of deflection it experiences…

MAX30102 Pulse Sensor with Arduino How MAX30102 Pulse Oximeter and Heart Rate Sensor Works and how to Interface it with Arduino?

A digital pulse oximeter and heart rate sensor is an electronic device which can measure the heart rate of a person by…

Arduino Soil Moisture Sensor Interfacing Tutorial How Does a Soil Moisture Sensor Work and How to use it with Arduino?

The soil moisture sensor is the first thing that springs to mind when it comes to building your smart irrigation…

How to use NEO6M GPS Module with Arduino How to Interface Arduino with NEO 6M GPS Module?

Welcome to our guide on interfacing the Arduino with the NEO-6M GPS module! In this blog, we'll delve into the step-by-…

Interfacing Raspberry Pi Pico with Ultrasonic Sensor How to Interface Raspberry Pi Pico W with an Ultrasonic Sensor

The Raspberry Pi Pico W is a versatile microcontroller board based on the RP2040 chip,…