india automation challenge 2021

ESP32 Based Smart Curtains Build DIY Smart Curtains using ESP32 and LDR Sensors

You’d be surprised at how much curtains matter in the house! Aside from keeping the peeping Toms out (…

Raspberry Pi based Automatic Library Book Management System Raspberry Pi based Automatic Library Book Management System using Python Flask

I have created a Raspberry Pi based Project, an Automatic Library Book Management System Project. Let me…

Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance and Temperature Recorder System Raspberry Pi based Biometric Attendance System with Temperature Recorder and Sanitizer Dispenser

What I have made here is an attendance register that records the temperature of a registered user and…

Mobile Controlled Electrical Appliances Home Automation: Bluetooth controlled Electrical Appliances using Smart Phone

Today we can say the Mobile phone is our friend. Smartphones can do almost everything. So, is it possible to…

Home Automation with Augmented Reality IoT Based Home Automation with Augmented Reality

I am here with the latest technology being using Augmented Reality, we will make our home as smart and AR…

IoT based Smart Phone controlled Home Automation using NodeMCU Smart Phone controlled Home Appliances with Energy Meter using NodeMCU

Hello guys Our project is about SMART HOME as with the advancement of technology, who doesn’t love being…

Solar Power Plant Monitoring System ESP8266 based Solar Power Plant Monitoring System (1MW Power Plant)

This project is the perfect combination of my hobby and my profession. I am an electronics hobbyist and…

Iot Gesture Control Home Automation using NodeMCU IoT Gesture controlled Home Automation using ESP12 and AI Vision

In this project, I build an Ai Virtual Assistance with IoT based smart switch Board. As you know, Home…

Smart Plant Monitoring System using NodeMCU and DHT11 ESP8266 based Smart Irrigation System with Humidity and Water Level Monitoring

The Internet of Things (IoT) allows objects to be identified and controlled from a distance using existing…

Digital Clock using Arduino Digital Clock using Arduino UNO without RTC Module

In this project, we have the above mentioned components and the working is quite east to understand .The…