Alert System

Send SMS Alerts From NodeMCU Without GSM Module How to Send SMS from NodeMCU without Using GSM Module?

Despite having multiple messaging apps like WhatsApp, WeChat, Facebook Messenger, etc., we can't ignore the fact that…

In-Car Drowsiness Detection and Alert System with CAN Bus iN-Car Drowsiness Detection and Alert System with CAN Bus Integration Integrating eye status detection system into an automotive grid involves using eye-tracking data to enhance driver safety and vehicle functionality.…
Edge AI-Based Animal Intrusion Detection and Alert System AI on Edge-Based Animal Intrusion Detection and Alert System

Animal intrusion is a significant issue in many rural and agricultural areas, especially those near forests or wildlife reserves. Animals like…

AIOT Security System with GSM and Wi-Fi Enabled Remote Monitoring AIOT Security System with GSM/Wi-Fi Enabled Remote Monitoring

This intruder detection system combines Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and edge computing to create a smart,…

Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System using MSP430 Launchpad and GPS Module Vehicle Tracking and Accident Alert System using MSP430 Launchpad and GPS Module

In previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer and how to Track vehicle…

Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System using GPS, GSM and Accelerometer Arduino Based Vehicle Accident Alert System using GPS, GSM and Accelerometer

In our previous tutorials, we have learned about How to interface GPS module with Computer, how to build a Arduino GPS…

Theft Alert System using ATmega8 Microcontroller and Tilt Sensor Anti-Theft Alert System using ATmega8 Microcontroller

In this project we are going to make a vibration alert system with ATMEGA8 microcontroller. This can also be used as a…