3D printing

IR Thermometer using Arduino and Infrared Temperature Sensor Make a Non-Contact Infrared Thermometer with MLX90614 IR Temperature Sensor

When debugging an electronics circuit or testing a new hardware design, often times I tend to check if the components on the…

Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller Robotic Arm Control using PIC Microcontroller

From the assembly line of automobile manufacturing industries to the telesurgery robots in space, Robotic Arms are to be found…

Record and Play 3D Printed Robotic Arm using Arduino Record and Play 3D Printed Robotic Arm using Arduino

Robotic Arms have proved themselves useful and more productive in many applications where speed, accuracy and safety is…

TI’s new DLP® Pico™ Controllers Delivers Light Control Capabilities for Desktop 3D printer and Scanner TI’s new DLP® Pico™ Controllers Delivers Light Control Capabilities for Desktop 3D Printer and Scanner

Texas Instruments (TI) launches two new DLP® technology-based Pico™ controllers that offer micron-to-sub-millimeter industrial…

Automatic Pet Feeder using Arduino Automatic Pet Feeder using Arduino

Today we are building an Arduino based Automatic Pet Feeder which can automatically serve food to your pet timely. It has a…

Novel 3D printing method embeds sensing capabilities within robotic actuators Novel 3D printing method embeds sensing capabilities within robotic actuators

Soft robots that can sense touch, pressure, movement, and temperature

A soft robot inspired by nature…

Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Walking and Dancing Robot Arduino based Bluetooth Biped Bob (Walking & Dancing Robot)

Welcome to another project in which we will build a small Robot which can walk and dance. The project aims in teaching you how…

DIY Speedometer using Arduino and Processing Android App DIY Speedometer using Arduino and Processing Android App

In this project we make a Cool Speedometer for bikes or any automotives by using Arduino which broadcast…

Getting Started with 3D Printing A Beginners Guide for Getting Started with 3D Printing

3D printing, Additive printing or Stereo lithography, if you have come across these terms and just blinked over it then you…

What is a 3D Printer? Introduction to 3D Printers

3D printing is a revolutionary technology that have created a buzz recently because of their ingenious concept that has…