Robotics Projects

Explore simple robotics projects and applications. These robotic projects are explained with the help of circuit diagrams, source codes, working and videos.

Let us introduce Alpha, our quadrupled robot! Constructed to investigate the future of independent companionship. With…

According to National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), it is estimated that more than 1.2 lakh deaths have been caused because of…

Today, we are building a simple Arduino-based project: a light-following robot. This project is perfect for beginners,…

Nowadays, there are evolving projects in robotics, and many hobbyists are creating their own robots. For these Robots,…

In recent years, robotics has witnessed significant advancements, enabling the creation of intelligent machines that…

In this tutorial, we are going to design an Arduino Uno based Robotic Arm from some cardboards and servo motors…

The 16-channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver, PCA9685, is an ideal module for precise control of multiple PWM outputs that…

Welcome to our latest project, an exciting journey where we delve into the world of…

Avoiding obstacles is a key job in robotics, where autonomous robots aim to reach their destination without bumping…

The affordable autonomous and open-source robot provides localization and mapping facilities and safely…

An Obstacle Avoidance Robot is an intelligent robot, which can automatically sense and overcome obstacles on…

As we have heard many fire accidents take place around us. The Surat fire accident in which many students…