The term internet of things was coined only in 2008, but within the next 10 years (in 2018) there were already more than 7 billion IoT devices connected to the internet, and the number is set to increase exponentially. IoT has enabled multiple inter-connected devices to sense and transfer data wirelessly over the internet to provide vital data and control in areas like Home automation, Location tracking, Asset monitoring etc..
This section provides a wide variety of IoT Projects with complete resources including circuit diagram and code, allowing you to build and test your own IoT applications. It also discusses the recent IoT Technology Trends and keeps you updated with the latest IoT News.
Hello everyone! In this project, we will create a voice-activated office assistant using the Maixduino board and…
The Brain-Computer Interface (BCI) Home Automation for People with Limited Mobility project is designed to empower individuals with restricted…
For this IoT & Edge AI project challenge I want to make a project for the farmers cause India is a country where…
My project, FarmSight Field Survey Rover is a versatile, field-ready rover developed for field data collection and…
Let us introduce Alpha, our quadrupled robot! Constructed to investigate the future of independent companionship. With…
The main idea of this project is to develop a test bed for Industrial Internet of Things to monitor parameters like…
This intruder detection system combines Artificial Intelligence of Things (AIoT) and edge computing to create a smart,…
This project is a compact and interactive reaction-time training device, which has been developed with two versions to…
I decided to create a Smart AC watt-hour meter after experiencing a spike in my electricity bill that left me both…
AI is making waves everywhere, but what excites us most is how effortlessly it can now be incorporated into everyday…
OTAPS (Open Train Accident Prevention System) is an open source train accident prevention system…
Monitoring industrial machinery is challenging due to complex sensor data and limited real-time visualization, making…