100+ DIY IoT Projects with Code and Schematics

Internet of Things (IoT) is revolutionizing the electronics industry. With more and more applications adapting IoT, it is important for the engineers of today to get acquainted with this technology. To help you with the same, Circuit Digest provides you with a large collection of free IoT projects for you to learn and recreate. The projects are built using the popular development platforms like Arduino, Raspberry Pi, ESP8266, STM32, MSP430, PIC amongst others. All projects are documented with a neat circuit diagram, code and demonstration video to provide a complete do-it-yourself experience.

This project is a compact and interactive reaction-time training device, which has been developed with two versions to…

I decided to create a Smart AC watt-hour meter after experiencing a spike in my electricity bill that left me both…

AI is making waves everywhere, but what excites us most is how effortlessly it can now be incorporated into everyday…


OTAPS (Open Train Accident Prevention System) is an open source train accident prevention system…

Monitoring industrial machinery is challenging due to complex sensor data and limited real-time visualization, making…

Impact Statement

Traditionally a blind person uses a stick. While he is on road going from one point to another point,…


The idea is to use the Sipeed Maxduino Board and an ESP8266 (Nodemcu) With the help of Platform IO and…

Project Explanation

This project showcases an IoT Weather Station built using the Arduino Uno R4 Wi-Fi, designed to…

 Due to the increasing population, there is a growing number of vehicles, which has led to a higher…

 QR codes have become essential in our daily lives, from making UPI payments to sharing social media…

 Face recognition is becoming increasingly popular these days. There are numerous project ideas available…

In this project, we have used the popular ESP32-CAM module to build an Image recognition system that can identify…