
L298N Motor Driver with Arduino How to use L298N Motor Driver with Arduino?

Looking to add motion control to your Arduino projects? Whether you're building a robot…

Bidirectional Counter Using Arduino and IR Sensors How to Build a Bidirectional Visitor Counter using Arduino

Have you ever noticed how shopping malls, parking lots, or event venues seem to track the number of people or cars…

Free IoT-based GPS Tracking Map GPS Visualizer to Upload Data and Visualize GPS Maps for Arduino, ESP32 & other Embedded Devices

We at CircuitDigest have built a lot of IoT Projects, but when working with IoT-based GPS projects, visualizing the GPS…

Generating Sine, Triangle and Square Waves - ICL8038 How to Generate Sine, Triangle, and Square Waves Using ICL8038?

Today we are looking at one of the affordable frequency generator modules, that has ICL8038 as its heart. Surprisingly…

DIY 3D Printed Water Pump using DC Motor How to Convert your RS-775 DC Motor into a Powerful Pump using 3D Printed Parts?

Hello guys, In this project we will see about making a DIY water pump using a generic…

LM35 Not Working - Solution LM35 Temperature Sensor Not Working? - Here is what you should do…

For one of our projects, we tried to Interface LM35 Temperature Sensor with Arduino but were unable to do so. Yes, what…

Arduino Interrupts Tutorial Arduino Interrupts Tutorial

Consider a fast-moving car, if it suddenly gets hit by another car in opposite direction, the first thing that happens is that…

How to Use Interrupts in STM32F103C8 How to Use Interrupts in STM32F103C8

Interrupts is a mechanism by which an I/O or an instruction can suspend the normal execution of processor and gets itself…

What is Stepper Motor and How it Works What is Stepper Motor and How it Works

From a simple DVD player or printer in your home to a highly sophisticated CNC machine or Robotic Arm, Stepper motors are to be…

Getting started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction Getting started with MATLAB: A Quick Introduction

MATLAB (Matrix Laboratory) is a programming platform developed by MathWorks, which uses it's proprietary MATLAB …