STM32L4 MCUs  for Smaller, Longer-Lasting Smart Devices STM32L4 MCUs for Smaller, Longer-Lasting Smart Devices

STMicroelectronics released two new microcontrollers STM32L412 and STM32L422 with a focused feature set and compact…

Connecting ESP8266 with STM32F103C8: Creating a Webserver Connecting ESP8266 with STM32F103C8: Creating a Webserver

If you think about future technologies then the two names, which immediately comes in your mind, are Artificial Intelligence (…

STLINK-V3 probe for programming and debugging STM8 and STM32 microcontrollers Faster, More Flexible Probe for STM8 and STM32 Programming

STMicroelectronics introduced the next-generation STLINK-V3 probe for programming and debugging STM8 and…

How to Use Interrupts in STM32F103C8 How to Use Interrupts in STM32F103C8

Interrupts is a mechanism by which an I/O or an instruction can suspend the normal execution of processor and gets itself…

Interfacing Servo Motor with STM32F103C8 (Blue Pill) Interfacing Servo Motor with STM32F103C8

In electronics, Servo motors are mostly used in Robotics Projects because of their accuracy and easy handling. Servo motors are…

Interfacing Stepper Motor with STM32F103C8 (Blue Pill) Interfacing Stepper Motor with STM32F103C8

Stepper motor is brushless DC motor, which can be rotated in small angles, these angles are called steps. Generally stepper…

STM8 Nucleo Boards Allow 8-bit Projects to Connect with Open-Source Hardware Resources STM8 Nucleo Boards Allow 8-bit Projects to Connect with Open-Source Hardware Resources

STMicroelectronics has introduced two STM8 Nucleo development boards, allowing developers to use the 8-bit…

Interfacing Bluetooth HC-05 with STM32F103C8 Blue Pill: Controlling LED Interfacing Bluetooth HC-05 with STM32F103C8 Blue Pill: Controlling LED

In today’s world Bluetooth has become very popular and almost every device like mobile phone, laptop, and cars infotainment…

Pulse width Modulation (PWM) in STM32F103C8: Controlling Speed of DC Fan Pulse width Modulation (PWM) in STM32F103C8: Controlling Speed of DC Fan

In previous article we have seen about ADC conversion using STM32. In this tutorial, we will learn about PWM (Pulse Width…

How to use ADC in STM32F103C8 - Measuring Analog Voltage using STM32 ADC How to use ADC in STM32F103C8 - Measuring Analog Voltage

One common feature that is used in almost every embedded application is the ADC module (Analog to Digital Converter). These…