Shift Register

POV Display using Arduino Building a High-Resolution POV Display using ESP32

Persistence of Vision is a fundamental principle that allows our eyes to perceive continuous motion from separate…

DIY LED Chaser using 74HC595 Shift Register and 555 Timer IC Adding a Futuristic Twist to your Decor with a Circular LED Chaser

Have you ever wanted to add some cool lighting effects to your electronic circuits or spice up your home decor with a…

Interfacing ESP32 with 74HC595 for 7 Segment Display Interfacing ESP32 with 74HC595 for 7 Segment Display

All microcontrollers have specific numbers of IO pins but in some applications, like in a 7-Segment Display, we will need more…

Multiplexing Four 7 Segment Displays using Arduino to Display Time Arduino 7 Segment Display Clock by Multiplexing Four 7 Segment Displays

Digital wall Clocks are getting more popular now days and they are better than analog clock as it provides accurate time in…

Interfacing 74HC595 Serial Shift Register with PIC Microcontroller Interfacing 74HC595 Serial Shift Register with PIC Microcontroller

There are possibilities in embedded design where you do not have enough I/O pins available in your microcontroller. That can be…

Interface LCD with ESP12 using Shift Register SN74HC595N Interfacing LCD with NodeMCU without using I2C

In this tutorial we will see how to interface NodeMCU with 16x2 LCD without using I2C communication. Here we will interface…

Shift Registers Different Types of Shift Registers and its Applications with Examples What is Shift Register:

Shift Registers are sequential logic circuits, capable of storage and transfer of data. They are made…

Interfacing Shift Register with Raspberry Pi Interfacing 74HC595 Serial Shift Register with Raspberry Pi

Raspberry Pi is an ARM architecture processor based board designed for electronic engineers and hobbyists. The PI is one…

Arduino Snake Game Project Snake Game on 8x8 Matrix using Arduino

Snake Game has been very popular since the beginning of the Mobile phones. Initially it was come in Black and white cell phones…

Arduino Uno Shift Register Tutorial How to Use Shift Register 74HC595 with Arduino Uno

In ARDUINO we have 20 I/O pins, so we can program 20 pins of UNO to be used as either input or output. Although there are more…