Controlling WS2812B RGB LED Shield with Arduino and Blynk Controlling a WS2812B RGB LED Matrix with Android App using Arduino and Blynk

Over the course of a few years, RGB LEDs are getting popular day by day due to its beautiful color, brightness, and enticing…

Detecting Colors using Raspberry Pi and Color Sensor TCS3200 Detecting Colors using Raspberry Pi and Color Sensor TCS3200

In this project we are going to Detect the Colors using TCS3200 Color Sensor Module with Raspberry Pi. Here we used Python code…

DIY LED Music Spectrum using NeoPixels and ARM Microcontroller DIY LED Music Spectrum using NeoPixel RGB LEDs and ARM Microcontroller

LED Music Spectrum generates the beautiful lighting pattern according to the intensity of music. It contains many RGB LEDs…

Arduino RGb LED Controller over WiFi Controlling RGB LED using Arduino and Wi-Fi

In last tutorial, we explained controlling a Robot using Wi-Fi and Arduino, and in this article we are with our next…

Arduino RGB LED Interfacing RGB LED with Arduino

In this project we are going to interface 5 RGB (Red Green Blue) LEDs to Arduino Uno. These LEDs are connected in parallel for…

RGB LED Bulb using 555 Timer ICs RGB Bulb

All the colors can be made from Red, Green and Blue color (RGB), these are the basic three colors from which we can generate…

Interfacing RGB LED with Arduino UNO Single RGB LED interfacing with Arduino Uno

In this project we are going to interface RGB (Red Green Blue) LED with Arduino Uno. A typical …