PIC Microcontroller

I2C Communication with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877 I2C Communication with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877

PIC Microcontrollers are a powerful platform provided by microchip for embedded projects, its versatile nature has made it to…

Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC microcontroller Digital Thermometer using LM35 and PIC Microcontroller

In this tutorial, we are making a Digital Thermometer using PIC microcontroller and LM35 Temperature Sensor. In this…

Interfacing Joystick with PIC Micro-controller Interfacing Joystick with PIC Microcontroller

Input devices play a vital role in any electronics projects. These input device help the user to interact with the digital…

Digital Thermometer using a PIC Microcontroller and DS18B20 Digital Thermometer using a PIC Microcontroller and DS18B20

Generally, the LM35 temperature sensor is used with microcontrollers to measure the temperature because it is cheap and easily…

Interfacing GPS Module with PIC Microcontroller Interfacing GPS Module with PIC Microcontroller

GPS is the short-form of Global Positioning System. It is a system which provide accurate Altitude, Latitude, Longitude, UTC…

Line Follower Robot using PIC Microcontroller Line Follower Robot using PIC Microcontroller

A Line Follower Robot is a simple yet fascinating robot for most students/hobbyists to build. In this tutorial we will learn…

Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller Obstacle Avoiding Robot using PIC Microcontroller

Obstacle Avoider Robot is another famous robot which spices up embedded projects. For those who are new Obstacle avoider robot…

Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with PIC Microcontroller Interfacing Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04 with PIC Microcontroller

For any project to come alive, we need to use sensors. Sensors acts as the eyes and ears for all embedded application, it helps…

GSM Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller PIC16F877A - Make and Receive Calls GSM module Interfacing with PIC Microcontroller - Make and Receive Calls

GSM modules are fascinating to use especially when our project requires remote access. These modules could make all actions…

How to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A Microcontroller How to Use Interrupts in PIC16F877A Microcontroller

In this tutorial we will learn how to use an External Interrupt in PIC Microcontroller and why/where we will need them. This is…