ir sensor

 IoT-Based Crowd Monitoring System Crowd Monitoring Device with Arduino UNO R4 and IoT Cloud

This sample project was built for the IoT and Edge AI Project Contest 2024. More details can be found on our contest…

Arduino IR Sensor Interfacing Interfacing IR Sensor Module with Arduino

An infrared proximity sensor or IR Sensor is an electronic device that emits infrared lights to sense some aspect of the…

Smart Pill Box using ESP01 and Blynk Medicine Recorder Box using ESP8266-01 and Blynk

The Smart Pill Box is a smarter way to records how many medicines you are taking at a Day. This smart box…

Line Following Robot using Raspberry Pi Raspberry Pi Pico based Line Follower Robot

This Robot can follow any line and can reach its destination automatically, by…

Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot Build your own Arduino based Smart Vacuum Cleaner Robot for Automatic Floor Cleaning

In a present-day scenario, we all are so busy with our work that we don't have the time for cleaning our house properly. The…

Automatic Bottle Filling System using Arduino Automatic Bottle Filling System using Arduino

Automatic Bottle Filling Machines are most commonly used in beverages and soft drink industries. These machines use a conveyor…

Interfacing E18-D80NK IR Proximity Sensor with Arduino Interfacing E18-D80NK IR Obstacle Avoidance Proximity Sensor with Arduino

An infrared sensor is an electronic module that is used to detect the certain physical appearance of its surroundings by either…

IR based Motion Sensor Circuit using 555 Timer IC Build a Simple Motion Detector Circuit using 555 Timer to Control AC Loads

Motion sensor circuits are there on the Internet for quite a while now. These circuits are mainly used to drive AC load (like…

Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino Coin Sorting Machine using Arduino

We previously built an Arduino based paper currency counting machine using a color sensor. Now in this project we are building…

Arduino Currency Counter using IR and Color Sensor Arduino Currency Counter using IR and Color Sensor

In this project we are going to work on an innovative arduino project idea, where we can count the paper currency notes…