Interfacing HC-05 Bluetooth Module with MSP430 Launchpad to control an LED
While a lot of wireless technologies have been introduced in past decade, but Bluetooth is still the most popular tech for… |
Bluetooth Module Interfacing with ESP8266: Controlling an LED
Now a days, the Bluetooth has become integral part of digital devices and it comes inbuilt in most of the devices such as… |
Build a Smart Watch by Interfacing OLED Display with Android Phone using Arduino
Most of us would be familiar with the 16×2 Dot matrix LCD display that is used in many projects to display some… |
How to use Bluetooth with MATLAB for Wireless Communication
Bluetooth is the simplest and most popular protocol for short range wireless communication in embedded systems. Bluetooth is… |
Interfacing Bluetooth HC-05 with STM32F103C8 Blue Pill: Controlling LED
In today’s world Bluetooth has become very popular and almost every device like mobile phone, laptop, and cars infotainment… |
Interfacing HC-05 Bluetooth module with AVR Microcontroller
In this tutorial let us learn How to interface HC-05 Bluetooth Module with AVR ATmega8 microcontroller. We will establish… |
Voice Controlled LEDs using Arduino and Bluetooth
Controlling LEDs with voice command seems to be a difficult task, but it’s easy and you can quickly build it. We just need an… |
Bluetooth Controlled Servo Motor using Arduino
Using a Servo motor is common in Robotics for precise control. Here, in this tutorial we are going to show you how to use a… |
Android Controlled Robot using 8051 Microcontroller
In this project we are going to build an Android Phone controlled robot using 8051 microcontrollers and Bluetooth module. The robot is… |
Real Time Face Detection and Tracking Robot using Arduino
Ever wanted to build a Face Tracking Robotic Arm or Robot by simply using Arduino and not any other programming like OpenCV,… |